将棋文化のさらなる普及・発展への貢献へ ~「棋王戦コナミグループ杯」への特別協賛~
従業員の健康増進に向けた取り組みが評価 ~コナミグループが「スポーツエールカンパニー2024」に認定~
乳がん啓発活動を実施 ~「PINK OUT DANCE DAY」を開催~
子どもたちの交流と挑戦の場の創出に貢献 ~「NPB12球団ジュニアトーナメント KONAMI CUP 2023」への特別協賛~
野球をプレーする機会づくりに貢献 ~野球用具リユースプロジェクト~
コナミアミューズメントのゲームで地元の活性化を支援 ~「第69回おりもの感謝祭一宮七夕まつり」に協力~
KONAMIのコンテンツが学校教育をサポート ~「桃太郎電鉄」のゲーム性を活かして、地理や経済などを楽しみながら学べる環境づくりに貢献~
コナミデジタルエンタテインメントがFCバルセロナ財団と「FOR ALL CAPABILITIES FESTIVAL」を開催 ~障がいの有無にかかわらず、共に体を動かすことの楽しさを感じてもらえる機会を提供~
将棋のさらなる普及と発展への貢献へ ~「棋王戦コナミグループ杯」への特別協賛~
子供たちの夢に挑戦する環境づくりをサポート ~「NPB12球団ジュニアトーナメント KONAMI CUP」への特別協賛~
コナミスポーツが「東京都スポーツ推進企業」に8年連続で認定 ~運動・健康に関するさまざまなノウハウを生かしたスポーツ推進への取り組みが評価~
人命救助活動でさいたま市桜消防署より感謝状を授与 ~コナミスポーツ運営受託施設『さいたま市記念総合体育館』~
人命救助活動で豊中市南消防署より感謝状を授与 ~コナミスポーツ運営受託施設『豊中市立豊島体育館』~
人命救助活動で鎌倉市大船消防署と湘南鎌倉総合病院から感謝状を授与 ~コナミスポーツ運営受託施設『大船体育館』~
コナミアミューズメントのゲームで地元の活性化を支援 ~「2022いちのみやリバーサイドフェスティバル」に協力~
子どもたちの夢を応援 ~「NPB12球団ジュニアトーナメント KONAMI CUP」への特別協賛~
コナミスポーツが「東京都スポーツ推進企業」に7年連続で認定 ~スポーツ指導ノウハウを生かした地域の健康作り支援やアスリート育成の取り組みが評価~
東京都 「こどもスマイルムーブメント」に参画
人命救助で福岡市城南消防署から感謝状 ~『コナミスポーツクラブ 福岡城南』~
女性活躍推進の優良企業として厚生労働大臣から「えるぼし」認定の最高位を取得 ~コナミホールディングス株式会社~
コナミスポーツクラブ 八王子の「OyZスクール」が八王子市の「はちおうじ人生100年サポート企業」第一弾に登録
ハイブリッド給湯システムの導入により、省エネルギー化を実現 ヒートポンプ・蓄熱普及貢献賞を受賞
家庭でできるフィットネスをサポート ~外出自粛による運動不足解消を目的とした動画を公開~
コナミスポーツが「東京都スポーツ推進企業」に5年連続で認定 ~アスリートの社員雇用や自社施設を生かしたスポーツ推進への取組~
被災地でのボランティア活動 ~豪雨被害の復旧へ向けたボランティア活動を実施(千葉県市原市)~
高品質な水泳指導で学校教育の課題解決に貢献 ~学校水泳指導授業受託事業の本格的展開を開始~
女性活躍推進法に基づく、優良企業に認定 厚生労働大臣から認定マーク「えるぼし」の最上位を取得 ~コナミスポーツ株式会社~
夏休みの子どもたちがeスポーツを体験 ~「こども霞が関見学デー」にKONAMIが出展~
コナミアミューズメントのゲームで地元の活性化を支援 ~「オアシス21 スポーツ遊・演・知 2019」に出展~
コナミアミューズメントのゲームで地元の活性化を支援 ~高齢者福祉施設に『麻雀格闘倶楽部 GRAND MASTER』を設置~
大田区トップアスリート派遣事業に協力~当社社員 メダリストの加藤凌平が中学生たちと交流~
当社社員 メダリストの田中佑典が練習拠点のある埼玉県草加市の中学校で講演
大田区トップアスリート派遣事業に協力~当社社員 メダリストの山室光史が小学校で体操実技を指導~
日本体育大学との産学連携 ~大学スポーツの価値向上と健康産業の発展に貢献~
環太平洋大学との産学連携 ~ 健康・スポーツ産業の将来を担う人材を育成 ~
お父さん お母さんの職場を見学しよう! ~「KONAMI こども参観日 2017」を開催~
被災地の子どもたちに笑顔と元気を 「くまもとキッズ博 2016」に協力
地域の健康づくり ~奈良県葛城市のご当地体操を製作~
女性活躍推進法に基づく、優良企業に認定 厚生労働大臣から認定マーク「えるぼし」の最上位を取得
交通安全への取り組み ~ コナミグループ一宮事業所 「交通安全優良事業所」として表彰 ~
お父さん お母さんの職場を見学しよう! ~「KONAMI こども参観日」を開催~
ネバダ大学ラスベガス校との産学連携 ~ゲーミング産業の健全な発展に寄与~
クリエイターを目指す学生を応援 ~「モノづくりコンテスト」を開催~
KONAMIのスタッフが「スポーツ祭東京2013 第13回全国障害者スポーツ大会」で優勝
OyZ(オイズ) ~60歳からの運動スクール~
KONAMIのゲームがアメリカで体育や健康関連授業のプログラムに -ダンスダンスレボリューション-
「Food Force」の制作と配信を通して、WFPの食糧支援活動の認知拡大に協力
Konami Group&#39;s Support for 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake
Konami Group Certified as &quot;Outstanding Health and Productivity Management Organization 2024 (White 500)&quot; for 8 Consecutive Years
Konami Group Listed as &quot;Sports Yell Company 2024&quot; for Actively Promoting Employees&#39; Health Improvement
Breast Cancer Awareness Activity - &quot;PINK OUT DANCE DAY&quot;
Contributing to Create a Place for Children to Interact &amp; Take on Challenges - Special Sponsor of &quot;NPB Junior Tournament KONAMI CUP 2023&quot;
Contributing to Create Opportunities to Play Baseball - Baseball Equipment Reuse Project
Cooperating with &quot;The 68th Textile Thanksgiving - Ichinomiya Tanabata Festival&quot;
KONAMI&#39;s Contents Support School Curricular - Harnessing the Gameplay of &quot;Momotaro Dentetsu&quot; to Create an Environment to Enjoy Learning Geography and Economics
Konami Digital Entertainment Hosts &quot;FOR ALL CAPABILITIES FESTIVAL&quot; with FC Barcelona Foundation - Providing the Experience to Enjoy Physical Activities Regardless of Disabilities
Contributing to the Further Promotion and Development of Shogi - Special Sponsor of &quot;Kio Crown KONAMI GROUP Championship&quot;
Supporting the Creation of an Environment where Children can Challenge their Dreams - Special Sponsor of &quot;NPB Junior Tournament KONAMI CUP&quot
Konami Sports Certified as &quot;Tokyo Sports Promotion Company&quot; for Eight Consecutive Years
Konami Sports Receives Certificate of Appreciation from the Saitama City Sakura Fire Department for its Life-Saving Contribution at its PPP Facility&#059; Saitama City Memorial Gymnasium
Konami Sports Receives Certificate of Appreciation from the Toyonaka City Minami Fire Department for its Life-Saving Contribution at its PPP Facility&#059; Toyonaka City Toyoshima Gymnasium
Konami Sports Receives Certificate of Appreciation from the Kamakura City Ofuna Fire Department and Shonan Kamakura General Hospital for its Life-Saving Contribution at its PPP Facility&#059; Ofuna Taiikukan
Cooperating with the &quot;2022 Ichinomiya Riverside Festival&quot;
Konami Group&#39;s Efforts on Climate Change - Disclosure based on TCFD
Energy Conservation Initiatives
Konami Sports Receives Certificate of Appreciation from the Funabashi City Higashi Fire Department for its Life-Saving Contribution at its PPP Facility; Funabashi Arena
Human Resource Development
Supporting Children&#39;s Dreams as Special Sponsor of &quot;NPB Junior Tournament KONAMI CUP&quot;
Konami Sports Certified as &quot;Tokyo Sports Promotion Company&quot; for Seven Consecutive Years
KONAMI Joins &quot;Children&#39;s Smile Movement&quot; by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government
Beautifying Local Environments through SDGs Sport &quot;Plogging&quot;
Konami Sports Club Fukuoka Jonan Receives Certificate of Appreciation from the Fukuoka City Jonan Fire Department for its Life-Saving Contribution
Our Approach to Health and Productivity Management
KONAMI HOLDINGS CORPORATION Receives Highest &quot;Eruboshi&quot; Certification from the Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare as an Outstanding Company for Promoting Women&#39;s Participation
Utilization of Renewable Energy at Konami Group Offices
Environmentally Friendly Building
Corporate Governance
Konami Sports Certified as &quot;Tokyo Sports Promotion Company&quot; for Six Consecutive Years
Konami Sports receives Certificate of Appreciation as &quot;PrivacyMark Institutional Contributor&quot;
Konami Sports Support &quot;Out of School Activity Backup Campaign by Chiba City&quot;
Konami Sports Club Hachioji&#39;s &quot;OyZ School,&quot; Registered as the First &quot;Hachioji City Longevity Support Company&quot;
Supporting Activities by Keidanren Committee on Nature Conservation (KCNC)
Awarded with Heat Pump and Thermal Storage Contribution Award for Energy Conservation by Installing a Hybrid System of Heat Pump and Boiler
Supporting Elementary Student&#39;s Home-Study while in Quarantine Konami Sports corporates with Gakken&#39;s &quot;Your timetable&quot; PE program
Supporting Workout while Staying Home Workout video offered to enhance exercise during quarantine
Konami Creative Center Ginza Lit Up Blue to Show Appreciation to Health Care Workers
Konami Group receives Certificate of Appreciation from Ichihara City for its Disaster Relief Activity
CSR Feature KONAMI offers esports GINZA studio to corporate with &quot;Sketch the Future 2020 -Idea Competition-&quot;
Konami Sports Certified as &quot;Tokyo Sports Promotion Company&quot; for Five Consecutive Years-Promoting Sports Through Employment of Athletes and Utilization of Its Facilities
Konami Sports Offers &quot;Refreshing Class with Do-Re-Mi,&quot; a Combination of Music Therapy and Exercise to Prevent Dementia
Disaster Relief Activity in Ichihara City Affected by River Flood and Landslide
Konami Sports Helps Solve School Education Issues Through High-Quality Swimming Instruction-Commissioned Swimming Lesson Programs Now in Full-Fledged Operation
Publication of Global Warming Countermeasures
Konami Sports Participates in &quot;Japan-multimodal intervention Trial for prevention of dementia (J-MINT)&quot; in the Field of Exercise Instruction
Receives Highest Certification &quot;Eruboshi&quot; Symbol from Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare
Children Experience esports During Summer Holidays - KONAMI Exhibits at &quot;Children&#39;s Day for Visiting Kasumigaseki&quot;
Exhibiting at &quot;Oasis Sports Yuenchi 2019&quot;
CSR Feature Konami Digital Entertainment Supports Barca Foundation&#39;s &quot;Festival for Social Inclusion&quot;
Life-Saving Initiatives
Installing &quot;MAH-JONG FIGHT CLUB: GRAND MASTER&quot; Cabinets at Welfare Facility
Konami Sports Club Cooperates with &quot;Ota Ward&rsquo;s Top Athlete Dispatching Program&quot;
Konami Sports Club Medalist Employee Yusuke Tanaka Serves as Guest Lecturer for Junior High School in Soka, Saitama, Where Team&rsquo;s Training Facility is Located
Konami Sports Club Cooperates with &quot;Ota Ward&#8217;s Top Athlete Dispatching Program&quot;
Konami Sports Club Certified as &quot;Tokyo Sports Promotion Company&quot; for Four Consecutive Years
Promoting Active Participation by Women
Supporting Further Healthy Development of the Gaming Industry-Completion of UNLV &quot;Hospitality Hall&quot;
Industry-Academic Partnership with Nippon Sport Science University-Contributing to Improving the Value of College Sports and Developing the Sports Industry
&quot;Dream, Future Project&quot; Hosted by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government-KONAMI Medalist Employee Serves as Guest Lecturer
Industry-academic Partnership with International Pacific University-Nurturing Human Resources who will Spearhead the Future of the Sports Industry
Cooperating with &quot;Kumamoto Kids Exhibition 2016&quot;
Promoting Healthier Lifestyles for Local Communities &quot;Gotouchi Taiso&quot; in Katsuragi City, Nara Prefecture
Let&#39;s Visit Parents&#39; Workplace-KONAMI Holds &quot;KONAMI Family Day 2017&quot;
Cooperating with an exhibition tracing the evolution of digital games
Certified as an Outstanding Company Based on the Act to Promote Women&#39;s Participation
LEED Certification for Environmentally-friendly Building Obtained
KONAMI Content Helps Revitalize a Local Community
KONAMI Employee Participated in the 9th International Abilympics (Held in Bordeaux, France), Representing Japan
KONAMI titles put on display at exhibition presenting the evolution of games
KONAMI titles put on display at The National Art Center, Tokyo
&quot;Konami Methods Matome&quot; released
Receives the Order of Golden Merit
Gotouchi Taiso
Initiatives to Improve Traffic Safety - Konami Group Ichinomiya Office Receives Award for Excellence in Traffic Safety -
- Let&#39;s Visit Parents&#39; Workplace - KONAMI Holds &quot;KONAMI Family Day&quot;
Academic-Industrial Alliance Konami works with UNLV to support the development of the Gaming Industry
KONAMI has held a &quot;Creators Contest&quot; to support students&#39; dreams of developing games.
Supporting Preventive Care
KONAMI Employee Won at &quot;Sports Festival in Tokyo 2013, the 13th National Sports Cup for Disabled People&quot;
Guidelines to Prohibition of Bribes to Public and Other Officials
User-participation forest preservation event
Response to Conflict Minerals
OyZ: &quot;Exercise for Over 60s&quot;
Supporting Healthy Living in Disaster Areas
Quality Control
Raising Customer Satisfaction
Donations to Disaster Victims
Efforts to Support Child Rearing
Recruitment of Foreign Employees and Cultivating a Globalized Workforce
Promoting Diversity
Conversion from Heavy Oil to Natural Gas
Promotion of Modal Shift
Introducing Our Cogeneration System
Industry-academic partnership with Osaka Electro-Communication University
Supporting hiring through internships
Industry-academic partnership with Kagawa Nutrition University
Dance Dance Revolution
Food Force
Supporting JAWFP
Social Contribution through Business
Workplace Safety and Maintenance
Employee Healthcare Support
Human Capital Index
Sports & Sponsorships
Privacy Policy
Earning &quot;PrivacyMark&quot; Certification
Konami Group&#39;s Support for Great East Japan Earthquake Relief Efforts