Corporate Governance
Basic Views
Konami Group's corporate goal is to be an enterprise that keeps our stakeholders always looking forward with anticipation as we create and provide our current and future customers with products and services that offer "Valuable Time." Our fundamental management policy is maintaining a shareholder-focused approach, and sound relationship with involved stakeholders and contributing to the development of a sustainable society as a good corporate citizen.
In order to realize open and transparent management, which is essential for holding fast to these fundamental management policies, we promote the management that keeps in mind at all times enhancement of the corporate governance system.
Corporate Governance Overview

The Company transitioned to a holding company structure in March 2006. Accordingly, the functions of business management and business execution are distinctly segregated, with the Board of Directors taking on the roles of deciding business principles and strategy for Group management, supervising business execution, and making decisions on important matters. The Company aims to maximize the corporate value of the Group by accordingly increasing speed of management and optimally allocating business resources.
The Company's Board of Directors consists of nine members, including four Outside Directors (of which, three are Audit & Supervisory Committee Members). Outside Directors are all designated as Independent Directors as provided for in the regulations of the Tokyo Stock Exchange. The Company deems that the Outside Directors who are also deemed Independent Directors do not pose potential for conflict of interest with general shareholders. As such, they are capable of making appropriate judgments with respect to making decisions on important matters in the Board of Directors, in conjunction with the other Directors.
Meanwhile, the Company's Audit & Supervisory Committee, consisting of three Outside Directors who are Audit & Supervisory Committee Members, conduct systematic auditing and supervision through the use of internal control systems.
The Company has entered into a limited liability contract with Outside Officers with respect to their liabilities provided for in Article 423, Paragraph 1 of the Companies Act. Under this contract, the liabilities of Outside Officers shall be limited to the aggregate total of the amounts stipulated in each item of Article 425, Paragraph 1 of the said Act.
Moreover, the Company has established the Compliance Committee, the Risk Management Committee, the Sustainability Committee and the Information Security Committee. The Compliance Committee acts as a body that strives to ensure thorough legal and regulatory compliance across all of the Company's activities and accordingly implements the Konami Group's compliance controls. The Risk Management Committee acts as a body that centrally identifies and appropriately addresses risks that could potentially have a material impact on the Company and the Konami Group. The Sustainability Committee acts as a body that actively promotes initiatives to achieve sustainability through the Company's core businesses, leveraging strengths of the Konami Group. The Information Security Committee acts as a body that promotes the protection of personal information and the enhancement of data security of the Konami Group.