eFootball™ 2023 v2.0.0 Patch Notes

Greetings to all football lovers from around the world.
The new Season is finally upon us, and we are delighted to walk you through the v2.0.0 update for eFootball™ 2023.

[PlayStation®5, PlayStation®4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, Windows, Steam®, iOS, Android]

*Adjustments listed below include changes implemented in eFootball™ 2022 Mobile v1.1.4 update.

Gameplay Fixes and Adjustments

This update marks the beginning of another brand-new Season. For this update, we placed on our emphasis on improving the realism and competitiveness of user matches. As such, we have made a wide variety of enhancements and adjustments based on the themes of "playability", "player individuality" and "proper game balance".
Let's have a more in-depth look at some of the improvements we have made with this update.

Playability Enhancements

In this update, we have implemented enhancements on the movement response of players during both attacking and defending scenarios.
We are aware that there were instances of excessive inertia application in defensive situations, especially when switching directions or coming to a full stop during a Dash movement. As such, we have implemented adjustments to the application of inertia. Players will now be able to react more responsively to the opposition's sudden directional changes, as well as making it easier to turn and chase opponents down.
For attacking, we have implemented enhancements on the manoeuvrability of ball control through reviewing dribbling-related animations as well as the speed of ball touches.
These adjustments will surely turn up the heat for 1 vs 1 on-the-ball battles.

Evolution of Player Individualities

On the other hand, we have also reviewed the expression of player individualities.

Until now, players' Acceleration stat was the sole deciding factor in determining their speed of movement and acceleration in defensive situations. This in turn created a problem where defenders with high defensive abilities were not adequately represented. Conversely, attackers who are not apt at defending would be able to easily regain possession in the front line. In order to address this issue, we have implemented adjustments to the reflection criteria for player acceleration; Defensive Awareness and GK Awareness will also be taken into account now when determining players' speed of movement and acceleration in defensive situations. This means that defenders with high Defending Awareness and goalkeepers with high GK Awareness will be able to get to the ball more quickly when defending, whereas attackers with low Defending Awareness will not be able to accelerate as much in defensive situations.

On a similar note, the reflection criteria for ball control have also been reviewed. Like the previous case, players' swiftness of ball touches was solely influenced by their Acceleration stat in the past. This has been changed and their Ball Control stat will now be taken into account as well. Moreover, we have diminished the effect players' height have on their ball control responsiveness. This allows taller players with a high Ball Control stat to control the ball and move on with their next play in a more rapid manner.

Feints have also been reviewed in a similar manner, and the impact of players' Dribbling stat has been amplified whilst the effect of their height has been lessened. This allows taller players with a high Dribbling stat to perform feints more swiftly than ever before. On the topic of feints, we are aware of an issue where players were able to perform feints repeatedly and unnaturally in succession, as well as performing incisive and sharp feints even when they were fatigued towards the end of a match. Therefore, we have implemented adjustments to the speed of feints so that as the players' stamina decreases, their feinting speed will also decrease. In addition, the speed of feints will also be impacted by temporary fatigue when performing feints in succession. Repeated feints will also incur a greater reduction in stamina over the course of a match.

In addition to the above, we have also made various other adjustments to better reflect the individuality of the players.
Players whose individuality had not been well expressed in the past will now be able to play to their strengths, which will surely open up new tactical approaches and more possibilities for player applications.

Gameplay Balance Adjustments

Corner Kick Defending

Corner kicks often present important scoring opportunities in real-world football. However, we are aware that the scoring patterns from corner kicks were slightly unrealistic in previous versions of the game. As such, we have adjusted the trajectory and accuracy of kicks. We have also adjusted the positioning and reactions of defenders and the goalkeeper.

Kick-off Defending

Another issue was that there were too many goals scored immediately after kick-off, which isn't a common sight in real-world football. This has also been addressed by adjusting the positioning of defensive marking and the defence line at kick-off. The adjustments serve to mitigate instances where unnatural man-marking allows opposition players to break free.

The gameplay team regularly monitors and adjusts the balance of the game in pursuit of a more appropriate match balance for our esteemed users. These adjustments are not only based on the surveys we regularly conduct, but also on the statistical data from the huge number of daily matches, videos posted on social media, as well as your direct and much-valued feedback.
Here are some of the gameplay balance adjustments that we implemented with this update.

Team Playstyle "Long Ball"

The "Long Ball" Team Playstyle is an embodiment of the renowned "Route 1 football" tactic. For this Team Playstyle, long balls are hoofed towards a solitary target at the front line in hopes of contesting and retaining possession high up the pitch for quick attacking opportunities. However, an issue arose where the midfielders would position themselves higher up the field on the receiving end of a long ball, making it difficult for the targeted player to contest and keep the ball. This also led to a higher risk of being exposed to counter attacks in cases where the long balls were intercepted. To address this issue, we have adjusted the positioning of the midfield players. This will now make it easier for the front-line target to keep the contested ball.

Precision of First-time Shots

When attempting a first-time shot in front of goal or on the receiving end of a cross, miskicks wide of the goal would happen frequently even if the player maintained his balance. As such, we have implemented adjustments so that if the player maintains their balance whilst attempting a first-time shot, the shot will have a higher accuracy. Players with the Player Skill "First-time Shot" will have an even higher possibility of landing their shots on-target.

We hope you enjoy the new Season of eFootball™ 2023 and the evolved gameplay. As always, your valued feedback is much appreciated. The gameplay team will take your feedback into account as we strive to present an even more immersive experience to all.

[iOS, Android]

Improved Playability

Button Position Customisation

You can customise where you want each button to be positioned on the screen when playing with the "Classic" Control Type.
Now you have the freedom to position each button in a way that you can best play the game according to the size of your device and your personal preferences.
*To customise the buttons, go to [Extras] > [Game Settings] > [Play Settings] > [Button Configuration].

General Fixes Applied to Mitigate or Eliminate the Bugs Shown Below

[PlayStation®5, PlayStation®4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, Windows , Steam®]
・قد يتعطل التطبيق فجأة بسبب وقوع خطأ
・ عند محاولة تنفيذ تسديدة مباشرة عند استلام الكرات العرضية، قد يضطر اللاعب إلى لمس الكرة بصدره قبل التسديد
・ عند إدخال "تسديدة موجهة" فورًا بعد إدخال توجيه "تسديدة رائعة"، سترى اللاعب ينفذ تسديدة موجهة سريعة
・ في المباريات عبر الإنترنت، قد لا يتم تنفيذ تمويه التسديد حتى في حالة إدخال "تمويه التسديد"
・ لم يتم تحديث ضبط مسار ضربات المرمى
・ بالنسبة إلى حراس المرمى، قد لا يؤدي أمر "التقاط الكرة" دوره كما يجب
・ بعد إدخال أوامر محددة متعلقة بحراسة المرمى بتسلسل محدد، قد تصبح حركة حارس المرمى أبطأ
・ قد لا يقف حارس المرمى على قدميه بعد تنفيذ إنقاذ
・ قد تكون أذرع حراس مرمى معقودة عند استلام الكرة من حامل الكرة قبل تنفيذ ضربة مرمى
・ قد تنتهي المباراة فجأة عندما ينحرف مسار الكرة من المدافع وتدخل الكرة الشبكة
・ عند إعادة المباراة أثناء رمية تماس سريعة، قد تُعاد المباراة من دون ظهور الكرة
・ عندما تخرج الكرة إلى ضربة ركنية، قد تُعاد المباراة فورًا بعد خروج الكرة من الملعب
・ قد تتغير تعبيرات وجوه اللاعبين فجأة
・ قد تتحرك أكتاف بعض المشاهدين بطريقة غير طبيعية
・ عندما يتأخر الاتصال في المباريات عبر الإنترنت، قد يتحرك اللاعبون من تلقاء أنفسهم بعد التحكم بالكرة حتى في حالة عدم إدخال أي أوامر
・ قد تتسبب أوامر معينة في إنهاء مباريات الطور التنافسي عبر الإنترنت قبل أوانها وإلغاء النتيجة
・ في ملاعب معينة، قد تكون هناك أجزاء من المدرجات مضيئة ومتألقة بشكل مبالغ فيه خلال مشاهد معينة
・ في بعض الملاعب، قد تكون الإضاءة التي تحيط بها براقة خلال مشاهد معينة
・ خلال مشاهد الفوز في منافسات معينة، قد لا تظهر بعض الأجزاء من الملعب
・ في ملاعب معينة، تظهر بعض الرسوم التي تشبه الأعمدة في الملعب في المقدمة خلال إعادة العرض.
・ ستظهر شاشة ربح نقاط الخبرة بعد المباراة حتى في حالة عدم الحصول على نقاط خبرة
・ إذا أقيمت الفعاليات غير المؤهلة في فعاليات التحدي (حقيقية) فقط، سيحدث خطأ عند محاولة المتابعة من شاشة الفعاليات
・ بعد استبدال نقاط eFootball™ بعناصر داخل اللعبة، يعود المؤشر إلى أعلى القائمة
・ في شاشة تفاصيل اللاعب، يحمل العمود الذي يعرض معلومات تتعلق بإتقان أسلوب لعب الفريق اسمًا خاطئًا ألا وهو "أسلوب لعب الفريق"
・ في [العقد] > [قائمة اللاعبين القياسيين]، سيتسبب الاستمرار في عرض اللاعبين من دون ترتيب في بطء حركة انتقال الشاشة
・ بعد تطوير لاعب إلى المستوى الأقصى، ستبقى الصورة المصغرة كما هي على الرغم من تغير صورة بطاقة اللاعب
・ سيتسبب التبديل المتكرر لتصفيات الترتيب الخاصة بـ"قيمة" و"سعر اللاعب" في [قائمة اللاعبين القياسيين] في حدوث خطأ عند عرض قائمة اللاعبين
・ في بعض اللغات، قد تُعرض نهايات الجُمل بشكل خاطئ في شاشات معينة
・ في [إعدادات اللعبة] > [الصوت] > [الصوت] > [مخصص]، قد تستمر الأصوات المحيطة الخاصة بالمباراة حتى في حالة تعيين خيار [الملعب] على 0
・ في بعض اللغات، يكون ترتيب الكلمات الخاص بالنص المعروض خاطئًا
[iOS, Android]

تحسينات عالمية

[PlayStation®5, PlayStation®4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, Windows , Steam®]
・ عند الاستغناء عن لاعب مُسجَل بالفعل في خطة اللعب، ستظهر رسالة تنبيه توضح أن "اللاعب مُسجَل حاليًا في خطة اللعب، ويمكن الاستغناء عن اللاعب مباشرة بعد ذلك
・ تم اتخاذ إجراءات متنوعة لمنع التلاعب بنتيجة المباريات بطريقة غير مناسبة بعد انتهاء المباريات عبر الإنترنت
・ تم إجراء مجموعة متنوعة من التعديلات البسيطة على كل وضع وعلى المباريات بهدف تحسين تجربة اللعب الإجمالية
[iOS, Android]
