Informationen zu eFootball™ v4.0.0
Wir grüßen alle Fußballfans auf der ganzen Welt.
In einigen europäischen Ligen hat der Spielbetrieb wieder begonnen und die Mannschaften bieten uns einmal mehr jede Menge Gesprächsstoff für ein weiteres aufregendes Fußballjahr.
Die neue Aktualisierung für eFootball™ verspricht auch spannende Momente und unvergessliche Spiele für neue Spieler und Veteranen!
Sehen wir uns also die Aktualisierung v4.0.0 im Detail an.
In v4.0.0 nehmen wir einige große Änderungen am Gameplay vor und konzentrieren uns vor allem darauf, wie jeder Spieler seine Individualität auf dem Spielfeld zum Ausdruck bringen kann. Wir haben uns an echten Spieldaten, Interviews mit Benutzern, Reaktionen in sozialen Medien und anderen Informationen orientiert, um zu entscheiden, welche Änderungen zum Erreichen dieses Ziels erforderlich sind.
Dank dieser Vorgehensweise sind die Spieler im Spiel ihren Gegenstücken im echten Leben noch ähnlicher geworden – zumindest in unseren Augen. Sie sind jetzt bereit, eigene Beiträge zum Spiel zu leisten, was auch dazu führt, dass sie alle eine Chance haben, Teil des Kaders zu werden.
Unten gehen wir genauer auf die Details der Änderungen am Gameplay ein.
Neue Steuerung: Fintendribbling
„Fintendribbling“ ist jetzt in eFootball™ verfügbar!
Dank der verbesserten Benutzerfreundlichkeit stehen Ihnen nun mehr Optionen zur Verfügung, die taktischen Kämpfe zwischen der Offensive und der Defensive zu genießen.
Der Angreifer wird versuchen, seinen Körper stets in Richtung des gegnerischen Tors zu drehen und auf sachte Berührungen zu setzen, um sich am Verteidiger vorbeizudribbeln. Die Werte des Spielers sind ein wichtiger Faktor, um zu ermitteln, wie gut er den Ball kontrollieren kann.
Nutzen Sie diese Steuerung, um durch engmaschige Verteidigungslinien zu dribbeln oder in 1-gegen-1-Situationen gegen standhafte Verteidiger die Oberhand zu behalten.
Verbesserungen am Körperkontakt-Wert
In hitzigen Situationen, in denen es zum Körperkontakt zwischen dem Angreifer und dem Verteidiger kommt, hat der Spieler mit dem höheren „Körperkontakt“-Wert einen Vorteil.
Halten Sie die Augen nach kräftigen Spielern offen, die zu Ihrem bevorzugten Spielstil passen.
* Beachten Sie, dass der Befehl „Abschirmen“ nach dem Update auf v4.0.0 nicht mehr verfügbar ist. Die Spieler werden jetzt automatisch versuchen, denn Ball mithilfe ihrer Körper vor gegnerischen Spielern abzuschirmen.
Testversion eines neuen Steuerungstyps: Smart-Steuerung
Wir haben eine Testversion unseres neuen Steuerungstyps „Smart-Steuerung“ implementiert. Diese Funktion unterstützt Sie während eines Spiels, indem sie automatisch bestimmte Aspekte wie die Schussstärke und die Dribbling-Richtung für Sie übernimmt.
Um sie zu aktivieren, schalten Sie die Option „Smart-Steuerung“ auf „Ein“. Sie können geniale Dribblings und Pässe ausführen und sich selbst in die perfekte Position für ein atemberaubendes Tor bringen und müssen dazu nicht einmal komplizierte Befehle eingeben. Da es sich bei dieser Funktion noch immer um eine Testversion handelt, könnte sie in einigen Modi und bei einigen Events verboten sein.
Wir haben geplant, diese Funktion basierend auf den Spieldaten und dem Feedback aus unseren Umfragen und den Kanälen in den sozialen Medien zu verbessern. Sobald wir zuversichtlich sind, eine gute Balance gefunden zu haben, möchten wir sie auf neue Modi und Events ausweiten. Wir freuen uns schon auf Ihr Feedback!
Aktualisierungen für die Entwicklung von Spielern
Entwickeln Sie Ihren perfekten Spieler mithilfe der Booster-Erstellung
Wir führen Spieler mit einem „Booster-Platz“ ein.
Sie können einen „Zufalls-Booster-Token“ ausgeben, um zufällig eine der 17 Arten von normalen Boostern zu erstellen und dem Platz zuzuweisen. Die Zufalls-Booster-Tokens sind auf unterschiedliche Arten erhältlich, zu denen auch Event-Belohnungen zählen.

Falls Sie einen bestimmten Booster erstellen möchten, sollten Sie „Auswahl-Booster-Tokens“ sammeln.
Auswahl-Booster-Tokens sind auf unterschiedliche Arten erhältlich, zu denen auch das Entlassen von Spielern zählt.
Wenn Sie 100 Tokens ausgeben, können Sie wählen, welchen normalen Booster Sie für Ihren Spieler erstellen möchten.
Schießen |
Freistöße |
Luftkämpfe |
Passen |
Ballbesitz |
Technik |
Abwehr |
Zweikampf |
Beweglichkeit |
Physis |
Torwartspiel |
Torriecher |
Abwehrbollwerk |
Maschine |
Welttorhüter |
Flankenprofi |
Dribbelkünstler |
Entfernung der Vertragsdauer
Die Community hat uns klargemacht, dass sie in der Lage sein möchte, die Spieler, die sie unter Vertrag hat, frei einzusetzen.
Wir haben dieses Feedback stets im Hinterkopf behalten und uns beschlossen, dass nun der richtige Zeitpunkt ist, um die Vertragsdauer der Spieler zu entfernen. Ab dieser Aktualisierung können Sie all Ihre Spieler unabhängig vom Vertragsabschlussdatum einsetzen!
Das gilt auch für Spieler, deren Verträge bereits zu Ende gegangen sind – Sie können also auch diese Spieler wieder einsetzen.
Freiheit bei der Entwicklung von Spielern
Eine weitere große Änderung, um die uns die Community gebeten hat, bezog sich auf die GP-Kosten für das Zurücksetzen der Spielerentwicklung. Daher haben wir uns dazu entschlossen, diese Kosten zu entfernen und Ihnen die Möglichkeit zu geben, Ihre Lieblingsspieler genau nach Ihren Wünschen anpassen zu können.
Automatische Spielerentwicklung
Spieler mit Einsätzen erhalten Erfahrung und steigen in der Stufe auf.
Anschließend können die Entwicklungspunkte für Stufenaufstiege genutzt werden, um ihre Spielerwerte zu erhöhen.
So funktioniert die Spielerentwicklung im Allgemeinen:
Obwohl Sie durch diese Funktion jede Menge Flexibilität bei der Anpassung Ihres Spielers erhalten, kann sie für neue und erfahrene Benutzer kompliziert wirken.
Aus diesem Grund haben wir eine neue Funktion eingeführt: Autom. Entwicklung.
Diese Einstellung verteilt alle Spieler-Entwicklungspunkte automatisch so, dass die Gesamtbewertung des Spielers bei jedem Stufenaufstieg maximiert wird.
Weitere Aktualisierungen
Spielen Sie mit jeder Mannschaft kostenlos
„Probespiel“, der Offline-Modus, der Ihnen die Möglichkeit gibt, mit authentischen Teams zu spielen, wurde in „Testspiel“ umbenannt.
Sie können nun mit allen Club- und Nationalmannschaften spielen, die im Spiel verfügbar sind.
Und das ist noch nicht alles, denn Sie können auch Spieleinstellungen wie das Spielniveau und die Spiellänge nach Ihren Vorstellungen gestalten.
Neue Wetteroption für Mobilgeräte
Wir haben die Version für Mobilgeräte um die Wettereinstellungen „Regnerisch“ und „Schnee“ erweitert.
Sie können Partien in verschiedenen Kontexten erleben, beispielsweise Meine Liga, Testspiel und Partien gegen Ihre Freunde.
Wir haben eine neue Funktion eingeführt, die Ihnen bei Ihrer ersten Erfahrung mit eFootball™ helfen wird!
Die Funktion „Ausbildung“ führt Sie durch die Grundlagen des Aufbaus eines Dreamteams und erklärt Ihnen die grundlegende Steuerung während eines Spiels.
Jetzt ist der beste Zeitpunkt, um Ihr Können zu verbessern!
Neues Feature und Änderungen
- ・ "Smart Assist", a new control option, has been implemented as a trial. This option provides automated help with the match controls. For example, it will control the power of a shot or adjust the direction of a dribble according to the situation.
- ・ Added "Competition Info" and "Records" to "My League". The former shows rankings for Goals Scored and Assists, while the latter shows season totals.
- ・ Added a "Time-limited" label to time-limited Badges.
- ・ Introducing players with "Booster Slot", a new feature that allows you to add a Booster via "Booster Crafting".
- ・ Player Progression reset no longer requires GP.
- ・ Added a new function to automatically allocate Progression Points in a way that will maximise the player's Overall Rating when levelling up.
- ・ "Trial Match" has been changed to "Exhibition" and now has all the teams and stadiums available for use.
- ・ A new tutorial including practical demonstrations has been added to guide you through your initial gaming experience.
- ・ "Skill Up", a fun and practical way to learn the match commands, has been added to "Missions".
- ・ The text languages "Greek", "Swedish" and "Dutch", and the commentary language "Greek" are no longer supported.
- ・ Players no longer have a contract duration.
- ・ Changed how the date and time of Notifications, Details, Help, etc. is displayed. Specifically, the date and time will be displayed according to the time zone setting of your game console.
- ・ "Smart Assist", a new control option, has been implemented as a trial. This option provides automated help with the match controls. For example, it will control the power of a shot or adjust the direction of a dribble according to the situation.
- ・ Added "Competition Info" and "Records" to "My League". The former shows rankings for Goals Scored and Assists, while the latter shows season totals.
- ・ Introducing players with "Booster Slot", a new feature that allows you to add a Booster via "Booster Crafting".
- ・ Player Progression reset no longer requires GP.
- ・ Added a new function to automatically allocate Progression Points in a way that will maximise the player's Overall Rating when levelling up.
- ・ "Trial Match" has been changed to "Exhibition" and now has all the teams available for use.
- ・ "Rain" and "Snow" can be selected as weather options in the Match Settings.
- ・ A new tutorial including practical demonstrations has been added to guide you through your initial gaming experience.
- ・ "Skill Up", a fun and practical way to learn the match commands, has been added to "Missions".
- ・ The referee will be shown as long as the Players Graphics is set to "Standard" or "High".
- ・ The quality of "Player Graphics" and "Stadium Graphics" can be set individually, allowing more freedom to choose the quality of each section of the match.
- ・ The text languages "Greek", "Swedish" and "Dutch", and the commentary language "Greek" are no longer supported.
- ・ Players no longer have a contract duration.
- ・ Changed how the date and time of Notifications, Details, Help, etc. is displayed. Specifically, the date and time will be calculated according to the time zone setting of your device.
Datenaktualisierungen zur neuen Saison
- The team structures of the following leagues have been updated with data from the new season.
- ・ English League
- ・ English 2nd Division
- ・ Spanish League
- ・ Spanish 2nd Division
- ・ Italian League
- ・ Serie BKT (Italy)
- ・ Ligue 1 McDonald's (France)
- ・ Ligue 2 BKT (France)
- ・ Liga Portugal Betclic (Portugal)
- ・ Trendyol Süper Lig (Türkiye)
- ・ Eredivisie (Netherlands)
- ・ Belgian League
- ・ Danish League
- ・ Scottish Premiership (Scotland)
- ・ Swiss League
- ・ Liga BBVA MX (Mexico)
- ・ Hilux Revo Thai League (Thailand)
- The team structures of the following leagues have been updated with data from the new season.
- ・ English League
- ・ English 2nd Division
- ・ Spanish League
- ・ Spanish 2nd Division
- ・ Italian League
- ・ Serie BKT (Italy)
- ・ Ligue 1 McDonald's (France)
- ・ Ligue 2 BKT (France)
- ・ Liga Portugal Betclic (Portugal)
- ・ Trendyol Süper Lig (Türkiye)
- ・ Eredivisie (Netherlands)
- ・ Belgian League
- ・ Danish League
- ・ Scottish Premiership (Scotland)
- ・ Swiss League
- ・ Liga BBVA MX (Mexico)
- ・ Hilux Revo Thai League (Thailand)
Aktualisierungen und neue Inhalte
- ・ In-game assets and other data carryover process will be conducted when accessing the game for the first time after installing the version update.
- ・ Updated licences.
- ・ For 19 of the 20 clubs in the 2nd division of the Brazilian league, the club names, emblems and strips will be replaced with eFootball™ original designs.
- The following data have also been updated:
- ・ Team data
- ・ Player photos, graphics and data
- ・ Strips
- ・ Club emblems
- ・ Boots
- ・ Balls
- ・ Goalkeeper's Gloves
- ・ Stadium graphics
- ・ Pitch-side advertising boards
- ・ Media backdrops and corner flags
- ・ In-game assets and other data carryover process will be conducted when accessing the game for the first time after installing the version update.
- ・ Updated licences.
- ・ For 19 of the 20 clubs in the 2nd division of the Brazilian league, the club names, emblems and strips will be replaced with eFootball™ original designs.
- The following data have also been updated:
- ・ Team data
- ・ Player photos, graphics and data
- ・ Strips
- ・ Club emblems
- ・ Boots
- ・ Balls
- ・ Stadium graphics
- ・ Pitch-side advertising boards
- ・ Corner flags
- ・ Cinematics and animations
- ・ Commentary
- ・ Menu music
Fehlerbehebungen und Anpassungen beim Gameplay
- Based on the various opinions we received in user interviews, surveys, etc., we have made gameplay adjustments and modifications in this update with a particular emphasis on "player characteristics" and "tactics".
- 〇 Dribbling
- ・ Improved response when making sharp turns during a Dash Dribble, such as 180-degree reversals.
- ・ Made changes so that when opposing players come into contact while attacking or defending, players with higher Physical Contact stats make better use of their abilities. In line with this, Shield command will no longer be available, and players will automatically attempt to protect the ball depending on circumstances.
- ・ Added Finesse Dribble controls that enable you to dribble with a fine touch while being aware of the direction of the goal.
- ・ The dribbling speed has been increased when performing a Sharp Touch directly forward during a Dash Dribble.
- 〇 Feints
- ・ Kick Feint motions have been added to increase movement directions and improve manoeuvrability.
- 〇 Traps
- ・ Fixed an issue where the player would sometimes be unable to stop in the attacking direction when using "Face the Opponent's Goal".
- ・ Fixed the issue where players landed unnaturally after jumping to trap the ball.
- ・ Implemented adjustments to alleviate the issue of players not being able to receive passes adequately.
- ・ Made changes so that if there is no trap direction input, the player traps in the direction he is currently facing, rather than automatically facing the goal. This makes it easier for the pass receiver to keep his body between the ball and defenders. It is still possible to trap the ball facing the opponent's goal by manually inputting that direction.
- 〇 Shooting
- ・ Fixed the issue where players performed unnatural backward headers when receiving the ball from behind or going for a headed shot with their back to goal.
- ・ Adjusted the conditions for taking shots while falling so that they are more appropriate.
- ・ Implemented adjustments so that accuracy goes up as heading strength is reduced when taking a Controlled Shot header.
- 〇 Heading
- ・ Fixed an issue where, when heading the ball, the player would sometimes head the ball in the opposite direction to the one they were heading it in.
- 〇 Kicking
- ・ Implemented adjustments to alleviate the decrease of kick accuracy after a long Dash Dribble.
- ・ Implemented adjustments to alleviate the issue where the player would move unnaturally when jumping to kick.
- 〇 Defence
- ・ Implemented adjustments to stop players from blocking the ball at unnaturally close distances when the opposing goalkeeper punts or throws it.
- ・ Fixed an issue where, when attempting to make a sharp turn while defending, the player would sometimes be able to make a quick turn without the effects of inertia.
- ・ Implemented adjustments so that a more suitable blocking motion will be triggered according to the situation.
- ・ Implemented adjustments so that only players with the "Blocker" skill can block a certain type of balls in the air.
- ・ Implemented adjustments so that when pressing the opponent from behind, the pressing player moves in a direction that makes it easier to get in front of the opponent.
- ・ Implemented adjustments so that AI controlled players will consider relative Physical Contact stats when deciding whether to perform a Shoulder Charge.
- 〇 Goalkeeper
- ・ Fixed an issue where the goalkeeper would sometimes be delayed in positioning and saving the ball after the attacking player performed a touch during Dribbling.
- ・ Fixed an issue where the opponent player may kick the ball when the goalkeeper drops the ball and then attempting to catch the ball.
- ・ Fixed an issue where the goalkeeper's response would sometimes be delayed when throwing the ball.
- ・ Added a goalkeeper motion where the goalkeeper leaps to block a high ball.
- ・ Added a goalkeeper motion where he stabs out his hands to stop a shot taken at close range to his body.
- ・ Added a punting motion that reduces the time to kick.
- ・ Added a saving motion when the goalkeeper is on the ground for faster save attempts.
- ・ Fixed an issue where the goalkeeper would sometimes charge out of goal and then clear the ball with a kick despite it seemed like he could collect the ball in his hands.
- 〇 AI
- ・ Fixed an issue where players with the role set to "DMF" would sometimes drop too far back behind the defence line.
- ・ Improved the positioning of players who run towards the goal when they are expecting a cross ball.
- ・ Improved the players' AI when the Team Playstyle is set to "Out Wide". Specifically, players that are close to the penalty box will be more likely to choose to run towards the goal when they are expecting a cross ball.
- ・ Fixed the issue where players running towards the goal in anticipation of a cross may end up running into the same position as other teammates.
- ・ Implemented changes to the players with the Playing Style "Target Man", where they will attempt to receive the ball more frequently even if they have a defender on their back.
- ・ Fixed an issue where players with the role set to "LWF" or "RWF" would sometimes move to the opposite side.
- ・ Fixed an issue where some players in the defending team would move in an unnatural way during a throw in. This issue was triggered if the attacking team had set their Attack/Defence Level to maximum, which caused the players forming the defence line to move forwards and backwards repeatedly.
- ・ Fixed an issue where the attacking side's full-backs would sometimes take an unnaturally high position during a throw in. This issue was triggered if the throw in occurred deep in the opposition's half.
- ・ Implemented adjustments so that when Attacking Shift Instructions (Short Corner) are applied, taller players and players who are strong in the air are less likely to be selected as players approaching the taker.
- ・ Fixed an issue where sometimes there were fewer defenders in front of the goal during free kick situations.
- ・ Adjusted the positioning of defending players to prevent them from getting too close to the touchline when a free kick is taken near to the touchline.
- ・ Adjusted the positioning of forward players when they are defending against an opponent that has the ball deep in the defending team's side. Specifically, they will take a lower position to help defend, while taking into consideration the balance of defence and the possible plays that can occur if their team wins back the ball.
- ・ Adjusted the positioning of off the ball players when the Team Playstyle is set to "Possession Game". Specifically, they will move to positions that will give the ball holder passing options, resulting in more offensive plays.
- ・ Adjusted the movement of offensive players that are moving towards the touchline. Specifically, these players will now be less likely to turn their backs towards the ball while moving.
- ・ Fixed an issue where players sometimes stopped running in an inadequate timing when trying to run behind the opponent's defence line.
- ・ Implemented adjustments to the AI of each Match Level in order to reduce their tendency to hold onto the ball excessively in attack. The mentality of the AI has also been calibrated in line with the overall gameplay adjustments. We will continue to implement adjustments based on play data to ensure that the difficulty balance for each Match Level is appropriate.
- 〇 Controls
- ・ Adjusted the time window that the defending side can pause the game before the attacking side takes a set piece during online matches.
- ・ The Power Gauge colour now becomes light blue for a Controlled Shot.
- ・ Adjusted the Power Gauge colour gradient when performing a Stunning Shot and Stunning Pass.
- 〇 Game Plan
- ・ Changed the information displayed in the Opponent Information screen to show their Sub-tactic, when applicable.
- ・ Increased the amount of information shown in the Game Plan for Co-op matches when using the view-only mode. New information includes Team Playstyle and Player Instructions, among others.
- 〇 Other Gameplay Enhancements
- ・ Fixed an issue where the cursor did not automatically change to the player receiving the pass in Co-op matches. This issue was triggered when there were no other users in the team.
- ・ A variety of other adjustments have been made to improve the overall match experience.
- Based on the various opinions we received in user interviews, surveys, etc., we have made gameplay adjustments and modifications in this update with a particular emphasis on "player characteristics" and "tactics".
- 〇 Dribbling
- ・ Improved response when making sharp turns during a Dash Dribble, such as 180-degree reversals.
- ・ Made changes so that when opposing players come into contact while attacking or defending, players with higher Physical Contact stats make better use of their abilities. In line with this, Shield command will no longer be available, and players will automatically attempt to protect the ball depending on circumstances.
- ・ Added Finesse Dribble controls that enable you to dribble with a fine touch while being aware of the direction of the goal.
- ・ The dribbling speed has been increased when performing a Sharp Touch directly forward during a Dash Dribble.
- 〇 Feints
- ・ Kick Feint motions have been added to increase movement directions and improve manoeuvrability.
- 〇 Traps
- ・ Fixed an issue where the player would sometimes be unable to stop in the attacking direction when using "Face the Opponent's Goal".
- ・ Fixed the issue where players landed unnaturally after jumping to trap the ball.
- ・ Implemented adjustments to alleviate the issue of players not being able to receive passes adequately.
- ・ Made changes so that if there is no trap direction input, the player traps in the direction he is currently facing, rather than automatically facing the goal. This makes it easier for the pass receiver to keep his body between the ball and defenders. It is still possible to trap the ball facing the opponent's goal by manually inputting that direction.
- 〇 Shooting
- ・ Fixed the issue where players performed unnatural backward headers when receiving the ball from behind or going for a headed shot with their back to goal.
- ・ Adjusted the conditions for taking shots while falling so that they are more appropriate.
- ・ Implemented adjustments so that accuracy goes up as heading strength is reduced when taking a Controlled Shot header.
- 〇 Heading
- ・ Fixed an issue where, when heading the ball, the player would sometimes head the ball in the opposite direction to the one they were heading it in.
- 〇 Kicking
- ・ Implemented adjustments to alleviate the decrease of kick accuracy after a long Dash Dribble.
- ・ Implemented adjustments to alleviate the issue where the player would move unnaturally when jumping to kick.
- 〇 Defence
- ・ Implemented adjustments to stop players from blocking the ball at unnaturally close distances when the opposing goalkeeper punts or throws it.
- ・ Fixed an issue where, when attempting to make a sharp turn while defending, the player would sometimes be able to make a quick turn without the effects of inertia.
- ・ Implemented adjustments so that a more suitable blocking motion will be triggered according to the situation.
- ・ Implemented adjustments so that only players with the "Blocker" skill can block a certain type of balls in the air.
- ・ Implemented adjustments so that when pressing the opponent from behind, the pressing player moves in a direction that makes it easier to get in front of the opponent.
- ・ Implemented adjustments so that AI controlled players will consider relative Physical Contact stats when deciding whether to perform a Shoulder Charge.
- 〇 Goalkeeper
- ・ Fixed an issue where the goalkeeper would sometimes be delayed in positioning and saving the ball after the attacking player performed a touch during Dribbling.
- ・ Fixed an issue where the opponent player may kick the ball when the goalkeeper drops the ball and then attempting to catch the ball.
- ・ Fixed an issue where the goalkeeper's response would sometimes be delayed when throwing the ball.
- ・ Added a goalkeeper motion where the goalkeeper leaps to block a high ball.
- ・ Added a goalkeeper motion where he stabs out his hands to stop a shot taken at close range to his body.
- ・ Added a punting motion that reduces the time to kick.
- ・ Added a saving motion when the goalkeeper is on the ground for faster save attempts.
- ・ Fixed an issue where the goalkeeper would sometimes charge out of goal and then clear the ball with a kick despite it seemed like he could collect the ball in his hands.
- 〇 AI
- ・ Fixed an issue where players with the role set to "DMF" would sometimes drop too far back behind the defence line.
- ・ Improved the positioning of players who run towards the goal when they are expecting a cross ball.
- ・ Improved the players' AI when the Team Playstyle is set to "Out Wide". Specifically, players that are close to the penalty box will be more likely to choose to run towards the goal when they are expecting a cross ball.
- ・ Fixed the issue where players running towards the goal in anticipation of a cross may end up running into the same position as other teammates.
- ・ Implemented changes to the players with the Playing Style "Target Man", where they will attempt to receive the ball more frequently even if they have a defender on their back.
- ・ Fixed an issue where players with the role set to "LWF" or "RWF" would sometimes move to the opposite side.
- ・ Fixed an issue where some players in the defending team would move in an unnatural way during a throw in. This issue was triggered if the attacking team had set their Attack/Defence Level to maximum, which caused the players forming the defence line to move forwards and backwards repeatedly.
- ・ Fixed an issue where the attacking side's full-backs would sometimes take an unnaturally high position during a throw in. This issue was triggered if the throw in occurred deep in the opposition's half.
- ・ Implemented adjustments so that when Attacking Shift Instructions (Short Corner) are applied, taller players and players who are strong in the air are less likely to be selected as players approaching the taker.
- ・ Fixed an issue where sometimes there were fewer defenders in front of the goal during free kick situations.
- ・ Adjusted the positioning of defending players to prevent them from getting too close to the touchline when a free kick is taken near to the touchline.
- ・ Adjusted the positioning of forward players when they are defending against an opponent that has the ball deep in the defending team's side. Specifically, they will take a lower position to help defend, while taking into consideration the balance of defence and the possible plays that can occur if their team wins back the ball.
- ・ Adjusted the positioning of off the ball players when the Team Playstyle is set to "Possession Game". Specifically, they will move to positions that will give the ball holder passing options, resulting in more offensive plays.
- ・ Adjusted the movement of offensive players that are moving towards the touchline. Specifically, these players will now be less likely to turn their backs towards the ball while moving.
- ・ Fixed an issue where players sometimes stopped running in an inadequate timing when trying to run behind the opponent's defence line.
- ・ Implemented adjustments to the AI of each Match Level in order to reduce their tendency to hold onto the ball excessively in attack. The mentality of the AI has also been calibrated in line with the overall gameplay adjustments. We will continue to implement adjustments based on play data to ensure that the difficulty balance for each Match Level is appropriate.
- 〇 Controls
- ・ Adjusted the time window that the defending side can pause the game before the attacking side takes a set piece during online matches.
- ・ The Power Gauge colour now becomes light blue for a Controlled Shot.
- ・ Adjusted the Power Gauge colour gradient when performing a Stunning Shot and Stunning Pass.
- ・ Adjusted the input to perform the "Call for Pressure" and "Bring Out the GK" commands when using a virtual pad. This was done to reduce the occurence in which these commands were performed unintentionally.
- 〇 Game Plan
- ・ Changed the information displayed in the Opponent Information screen to show their Sub-tactic, when applicable.
- ・ Increased the amount of information shown in the Game Plan for Co-op matches when using the view-only mode. New information includes Team Playstyle and Player Instructions, among others.
- 〇 Other Gameplay Enhancements
- ・ Fixed an issue where the cursor did not automatically change to the player receiving the pass in Co-op matches. This issue was triggered when there were no other users in the team.
- ・ A variety of other adjustments have been made to improve the overall match experience.
Allgemeine Problembehebungen zur Minderung oder Beseitigung der folgenden Fehler
- ・ In [Shop] > [Packs], some Pack names are displayed incorrectly under certain circumstances.
- ・ The eFootball™ League-related Badges "Reach Division 1", "Reach Division 2" and "Reach Division 3" have "24-25" displayed instead of "23-24".
- ・ Adding an Xbox Profile to Controller 7 or 8 and setting "Cooperative play with AI" to ON when creating a Match Room in Co-op VS AI Events may result in the screen freezing mid-match.
- ・ In the Match Room of Co-op PvP Events, after the Owner selects [To Match] and the timer reaches 0 seconds while a user other than the Owner is viewing the Match History screen, the user who has the Match History screen open will be unable to progress to Matchmaking and the game will become inoperable.
- ・ The eFootball™ League-related Badges "Reach Division 1", "Reach Division 2" and "Reach Division 3" have "24-25" displayed instead of "23-24".
- ・ In the Match Room of Co-op PvP Events, after the Owner selects [To Match] and the timer reaches 0 seconds while a user other than the Owner is viewing the Match History screen, the user who has the Match History screen open will be unable to progress to Matchmaking and the game will become inoperable.
- ・ Unable to configure "In-Match Roles" in the Game Plan of matches that use Authentic Teams. This issue is triggered if the chosen team has less than 23 players registered in the Game Plan.
- ・ The wrong opponent player may be shown as being the Targeted Player of an Individual Instruction during a PvP match. This was triggered if an Individual Instruction was set in the pre-match Game Plan.