[Update2] POTW: Worldwide Dec 21 '23 Display Issue
All devices

Posted on 22/12/2023

We would like to provide some supplementary information on the previous notice.

Although a fix to this issue has been implemented, we are aware of instances where the new Player Card image may not be displayed until the game app is restarted.

If the new Player Card image is not being displayed, exiting and restarting the game app should see the correct Player Card image being displayed.

We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

Posted on 22/12/2023

This issue has been fixed during today's maintenance.

We intend to send out some form of compensation to users in the coming days.

Once again, we sincerely apologise for any inconvenience.

Posted on 21/12/2023

We have discovered an issue where the displayed image of A. Trubin in the ongoing "POTW: Worldwide Dec 21 '23" Special Player List is erroneous.

This is a display-only issue, and other data of the concerned player remains correctly reflected.

We will be implementing a fix to this issue during the 22/12/2023 maintenance.

We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.