FAQ & Inquiry

[If the FAQ Couldn't Solve Your Issue] If you are playing on iOS/Android, send us an enquiry by tapping on the menu icon found in the bottom right part of the Title Screen (the screen shown when you boot the app), then tapping on [General Contact]. If you are playing on PlayStation®5, PlayStation®4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, Windows (PC) or Steam® (PC), send us an enquiry via the [General Contact] page.
Access the [General Contact] page from here.
  • Questions often asked recently
  • Matches
  • Players
  • Purchases
  • Others
Questions often asked recently
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Lately I'm losing a lot of PvP matches due to disconnections. How can I avoid this issue?
  • iOS
  • Android
A: Refer to the following methods to improve your connection to the game to avoid disconnections or voided matches when playing against other users.
Keep in mind that frequently disconnecting from matches may result in restrictions being placed on your account.

・Restart your modem or device.
・Play closer to your Wi-Fi router.
・Avoid playing while you are in transit.
・Connect to the internet with fewer tethered router connections.
・Avoid using other apps in multitasking mode, especially ones that use a connection or update automatically.
Matches sometimes run longer than the amount of extra time displayed on the screen. Is this normal?
  • PS5
  • PS4
  • Xbox Series X|S
  • Xbox One
  • Windows
  • Steam
  • iOS
  • Android
A: In certain situations, matches may run longer than the amount of extra time displayed on the screen.
Can I skip my opponent's goal celebrations in online PvP matches?
  • PS5
  • PS4
  • Xbox Series X|S
  • Xbox One
  • Windows
  • Steam
  • iOS
  • Android
A: Yes, you can skip your opponent's goal celebrations.
However, you will not be able to skip the first goal celebration that your opponent opted to perform.
Also, please note that you cannot skip goal celebrations in Co-op matches.
In Challenge Event, the message "Conditions not met" is displayed even though I have already selected a team that meets the Event Conditions. Why is this happening?
  • PS5
  • PS4
  • Xbox Series X|S
  • Xbox One
  • Windows
  • Steam
  • iOS
  • Android
A: There is a chance that your players' affiliations do not meet with the Event Conditions.

Please be aware that a player may have multiple Player Cards of different affiliations.
A player’s affiliation information is displayed on their Player Card and can be accessed by following the steps below:

■ PlayStation®5, PlayStation®4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, Windows, Steam®
Go to [Home] > [My Team] > [Players]

■ iOS, Android
Go to [Home] > [My Team] > [Players] > [Player Details]
What are eFootball™ Points?
  • PS5
  • PS4
  • Xbox Series X|S
  • Xbox One
  • Windows
  • Steam
  • iOS
  • Android
A: Please check the eFootball™ Points official website below for details.
How can I report malicious activities?
  • PS5
  • PS4
  • Xbox Series X|S
  • Xbox One
  • Windows
  • Steam
  • iOS
  • Android
A: If you notice someone violating the Terms of Use or being disrespectful to others, you can contact us through the "Report" function.
Find the person you wish to report by going to [Extras] > [User Information] > [Match History], then you can send a report by going to that person's [User Details].
"CODE:C_NAJM_0027" is displayed and I cannot log in. Why is this happening?
  • iOS
  • Android
A: This code is displayed when attempting to log in using the same User ID on different devices at the same time.
Your game data may have been transferred to another device via your KONAMI ID or Game Center/Google Play. You will need to transfer your game data again to the device you wish to use.
Please try one of the following methods, as the necessary steps may differ depending on your KONAMI ID linkage status.

[If you have already linked your game data with your KONAMI ID]
Try resetting your password by going to My KONAMI (https://my.konami.net/) and select [Log In] > [Forgot Your Password?]. After the reset, try transferring your game data using your KONAMI ID.
After your password reset, we recommend that you set up a two-stage authentication for your KONAMI ID.

[If you have not linked your game data with your KONAMI ID (If you have only linked your game data with Game Center/Google Play)]
Launch the application on the device you wish to log in with, then click the icon in the bottom right corner of the Title Screen and select "Data Transfer" to commence the data transfer process.
Please note that there is a monthly limit on data transfer attempts.
Why can't I complete Objectives?
  • PS5
  • PS4
  • Xbox Series X|S
  • Xbox One
  • Windows
  • Steam
  • iOS
  • Android
A: Goals and assists recorded in the following types of matches will not be counted towards your Objectives completion status.
・ Void matches
・ Conceded matches
・ Losses due to disconnection
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If I drop out of a match, can I still re-join that match later?
  • PS5
  • PS4
  • Xbox Series X|S
  • Xbox One
  • Windows
  • Steam
  • iOS
  • Android
A: For iOS and Android, you can only re-join VS AI Matches. Furthermore, you will not be able to re-join Co-op matches or Events that have ended.
For console or PC, matches cannot be re-joined.
Lately I'm losing a lot of PvP matches due to disconnections. How can I avoid this issue?
  • iOS
  • Android
A: Refer to the following methods to improve your connection to the game to avoid disconnections or voided matches when playing against other users.
Keep in mind that frequently disconnecting from matches may result in restrictions being placed on your account.

・Restart your modem or device.
・Play closer to your Wi-Fi router.
・Avoid playing while you are in transit.
・Connect to the internet with fewer tethered router connections.
・Avoid using other apps in multitasking mode, especially ones that use a connection or update automatically.
What happens if a disconnection occurs during a PvP match?
  • PS5
  • PS4
  • Xbox Series X|S
  • Xbox One
  • Windows
  • Steam
  • iOS
  • Android
A: There are 3 possible outcomes if a disconnection occurs during a PvP match:

・Disconnection win: Your opponent disconnects, awarding you the victory.
・Disconnection loss: You disconnect, awarding your opponent the victory.
・Match is voided: The match result cannot be decided.
Matches sometimes run longer than the amount of extra time displayed on the screen. Is this normal?
  • PS5
  • PS4
  • Xbox Series X|S
  • Xbox One
  • Windows
  • Steam
  • iOS
  • Android
A: In certain situations, matches may run longer than the amount of extra time displayed on the screen.
Is it possible for me to forfeit a match?
  • PS5
  • PS4
  • Xbox Series X|S
  • Xbox One
  • Windows
  • Steam
  • iOS
  • Android
A: You can forfeit via the pause menu during a match.
However, there are some matches which you will not be able to forfeit, such as VS AI Matches.
Why have I been relegated to a lower Division at the start of a new Phase?
  • PS5
  • PS4
  • Xbox Series X|S
  • Xbox One
  • Windows
  • Steam
  • iOS
  • Android
A: Your starting Division in the new Phase is determined by your highest Division reached.
Please see below for more details.

(Highest Division reached → Starting Division in the new Phase)
Division 1 → Division 4
Division 2 → Division 5
Division 3 → Division 6
Division 4 → Division 7
Division 5 → Division 8
Division 6 → Division 9
Division 7 → Division 9
Division 8 → Division 9
Division 9 → Division 9
Division 10 → Division 10
How many types of rewards are there in eFootball™ League?
  • PS5
  • PS4
  • Xbox Series X|S
  • Xbox One
  • Windows
  • Steam
  • iOS
  • Android
A: ・ First-Time Promotion Rewards
Earned by promoting to a Division for the first time.
When a new Phase begins, you can earn all First-Time Promotion Rewards for all Divisions below your starting Division.

・ Phase Rewards
Earned at the end of a Phase according to the highest Division reached in that Phase.

・ Ranking Rewards
Earned at the end of a Phase according to your final Ranking.
What is a eFootball™ League Phase and how does it work?
  • PS5
  • PS4
  • Xbox Series X|S
  • Xbox One
  • Windows
  • Steam
  • iOS
  • Android
A: ・ Phase
Each Phase will last about 28 days. A new Phase will begin immediately after the end of the previous Phase.

・ Phase Transitions
Your starting Division in the new Phase is determined by your highest Division reached.
At the end of a Phase, rewards will be awarded according to the highest Division reached. Rankings and Ratings will also be reset before a new Phase begins.
When I attempt to enter or create a Co-op Match Room, the error message “Co-op Match Rooms are not available in your current network environment. Please check your network environment and try again.” is displayed and I cannot proceed. What should I do?
  • PS5
  • PS4
  • Xbox Series X|S
  • Xbox One
  • Windows
  • Steam
  • iOS
  • Android
A: If you encounter this error message, Co-op is not available in your current network environment.
Reviewing your network environment and restarting the game may allow you to access Co-op.

Also, please note that Co-op may not be available for users in certain Countries/Regions.
When I attempt to enter or create a Co-op Match Room, the error message “Server connection timed out. Please try again later.” is displayed and I cannot proceed. What should I do?
  • PS5
  • PS4
  • Xbox Series X|S
  • Xbox One
  • Windows
  • Steam
  • iOS
  • Android
A: If you encounter this error message, please wait for a few minutes as the error may be resolved in due time and you will be able to enter and create Match Rooms.
When matchmaking for online matches, can I specifically choose my opponent's device type?
  • PS5
  • PS4
  • Xbox Series X|S
  • Xbox One
  • Windows
  • Steam
A: You cannot specifically choose your opponent's device type when matchmaking for online matches.
Online matches will be played with other users of the same device, in addition to cross-gen matches of the same platform, such as PlayStation®5 vs PlayStation®4 and Xbox Series X|S vs Xbox One.
I don't seem to be receiving rewards in the game. Why is this happening?
  • PS5
  • PS4
  • Xbox Series X|S
  • Xbox One
  • Windows
  • Steam
  • iOS
  • Android
A: Try checking your Inbox. Keep in mind that some things, like presents from the administration, login bonuses and Event rewards, are sent to your Inbox.
Can I skip my opponent's goal celebrations in online PvP matches?
  • PS5
  • PS4
  • Xbox Series X|S
  • Xbox One
  • Windows
  • Steam
  • iOS
  • Android
A: Yes, you can skip your opponent's goal celebrations.
However, you will not be able to skip the first goal celebration that your opponent opted to perform.
Also, please note that you cannot skip goal celebrations in Co-op matches.
How do I change the colour of the player icons in the in-match radar?
  • PS5
  • PS4
  • Xbox Series X|S
  • Xbox One
  • Windows
  • Steam
  • iOS
  • Android
A: You can change the colour of the icons from the Play Settings screen in the in-match Pause menu.
You can also change the colour of the icons before entering a match by accessing the following:
■ PlayStation®5, PlayStation®4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, Windows, Steam®
[Extras] > [Game Settings] > [Screen] > [Match Screen] > "Radar: Home" or "Radar: Away"

■ iOS, Android
[Extras] > [Game Settings] > [Play Settings] > "Radar: Home" or "Radar: Away"
In Challenge Event, the message "Conditions not met" is displayed even though I have already selected a team that meets the Event Conditions. Why is this happening?
  • PS5
  • PS4
  • Xbox Series X|S
  • Xbox One
  • Windows
  • Steam
  • iOS
  • Android
A: There is a chance that your players' affiliations do not meet with the Event Conditions.

Please be aware that a player may have multiple Player Cards of different affiliations.
A player’s affiliation information is displayed on their Player Card and can be accessed by following the steps below:

■ PlayStation®5, PlayStation®4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, Windows, Steam®
Go to [Home] > [My Team] > [Players]

■ iOS, Android
Go to [Home] > [My Team] > [Players] > [Player Details]
What will happen if I forfeit a match?
  • PS5
  • PS4
  • Xbox Series X|S
  • Xbox One
  • Windows
  • Steam
  • iOS
  • Android
A: The side that forfeited the match will be registered as the loser.
The score of the forfeited side will be recorded as 0.

If the opponent of the forfeited side has scored 3 goals or less by the time of disconnection, their score will be recorded as 3.
If the opponent of the forfeited side has scored more than 3 goals by the time of disconnection, their score will be recorded as-is.
What is the connection method for online matches?
  • PS5
  • PS4
  • Xbox Series X|S
  • Xbox One
  • Windows
  • Steam
  • iOS
  • Android
A: A client-server system is utilised for online matches.
However, matches may be played on a P2P system if there are difficulties in connecting with the servers or if connection with the servers is not stable.
When are the login bonuses reset each day?
  • PS5
  • PS4
  • Xbox Series X|S
  • Xbox One
  • Windows
  • Steam
  • iOS
  • Android
A: The log in information is reset at 02:00 (UTC) each day. You can receive a new login bonus after its reset.
Can I have multiple copies of the same player in my team?
  • PS5
  • PS4
  • Xbox Series X|S
  • Xbox One
  • Windows
  • Steam
  • iOS
  • Android
A: Yes, you can have multiple copies of the same player in your team. However, you cannot set multiple copies of the same player in your Game Plan at the same time.
In eFootball™ League, why am I matched with opponents from higher Divisions?
  • PS5
  • PS4
  • Xbox Series X|S
  • Xbox One
  • Windows
  • Steam
  • iOS
  • Android
A: The eFootball™ League is generally divided into three groups made up of Divisions 1–3, 4–6 and 7–9. Users are only matched with opponents from the same group.
As an exception, during the first week of a new Phase, there are only two groups: Divisions 1–6 and 7–9.
Thus, during the above period there is a chance that Divisions 4-6 users may be matched with opponents from higher Divisions.
Note that matchmaking priority will be given to opponents from Divisions of similar strength, taking into account the groups described above.
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Why didn’t my player's stats improve even though he just levelled up?
  • PS5
  • PS4
  • Xbox Series X|S
  • Xbox One
  • Windows
  • Steam
  • iOS
  • Android
A: Every time a player levels up, he receives Progression Points. These points can then be spent to raise the player's stats.
If you have chosen [Auto Development] under [My Team] > [Development], the player's Progression Points will be spent automatically to raise his stats.
Keep in mind that "Trending" players do not level up and thus cannot be developed.
Why can't I level up nor develop my player?
  • PS5
  • PS4
  • Xbox Series X|S
  • Xbox One
  • Windows
  • Steam
  • iOS
  • Android
A: Players whose Player Type is "Trending" cannot be developed.
Can I retrieve Progression Points that I have spent?
  • PS5
  • PS4
  • Xbox Series X|S
  • Xbox One
  • Windows
  • Steam
  • iOS
  • Android
A: In the player's menu, go to [Player Progression] > [Reset Player Progression] to reset any Progression Points that you have allocated.
Why are there different Overall Ratings for the same player?
  • PS5
  • PS4
  • Xbox Series X|S
  • Xbox One
  • Windows
  • Steam
  • iOS
  • Android
A: A player's Overall Rating can vary due to multiple factors, including his Player Type and how he was developed via Player Progression.
Can I retrieve a Player that I have mistakenly released?
  • PS5
  • PS4
  • Xbox Series X|S
  • Xbox One
  • Windows
  • Steam
  • iOS
  • Android
A: Unfortunately, released Players cannot be retrieved.
Please utilise the "Lock" function to prevent any mistaken releases.

■ PlayStation®5, PlayStation®4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, Windows, Steam®
Go to [Home] > [My Team] > [Players] > Select a player then lock him via [Player Actions] > [Lock].

■ iOS, Android
Go to [Home] > [My Team] > [Players] > Select a Player then lock him via [Lock].
Can I retrieve a Manager that I have mistakenly released?
  • PS5
  • PS4
  • Xbox Series X|S
  • Xbox One
  • Windows
  • Steam
  • iOS
  • Android
A: Unfortunately, released Managers cannot be retrieved.
Please utilise the "Lock" function to prevent any mistaken releases.

■ PlayStation®5, PlayStation®4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, Windows, Steam®
Go to [Home] > [My Team] > [Managers] > Select a Manager then lock him via [Manager Action] > [Lock].

■ iOS, Android
Go to [Home] > [My Team] > [Managers] > Select a Manager then lock him via [Lock].
My players' Overall Ratings in Game Plan are lower than the Overall Ratings displayed in My Team. Why is that happening?
  • PS5
  • PS4
  • Xbox Series X|S
  • Xbox One
  • Windows
  • Steam
  • iOS
  • Android
A: Overall Ratings will change depending on the selected Team Playstyle in Game Plan. If the manager has a low Team Playstyle Proficiency for the selected Team Playstyle, the players' Overall Ratings may also decrease as a result.
How do I change the Strip?
  • iOS
  • Android
A: Strip selections can be performed before a match with the following steps:

Pre-match Game Plan > Select the gear icon in the bottom left-hand corner > Select the hanger icon > Select Strips
*Note that Strip selection can only be performed in the pre-match Game Plan.
The changes I made to my Game Plan do not seem to be reflected in My League. Why is this?
  • PS5
  • PS4
  • Xbox Series X|S
  • Xbox One
  • Windows
  • Steam
  • iOS
  • Android
A: Follow the steps shown below to change your Game Plan in My League.
[Home] > [Match] > [My League] > [Game Plan]
Aside from Player Progression, how can I change the abilities of my signed players?
  • PS5
  • PS4
  • Xbox Series X|S
  • Xbox One
  • Windows
  • Steam
  • iOS
  • Android
A: Boosters can also change the player's abilities. Note that some Boosters, such as the Live Link and Squad Link types, may have specific conditions to be activated.
After being registered in the Game Plan, other factors that affect the player's abilities include:

・ His Condition during a match
・ The chosen Team Playstyle and the manager's proficiency of that playstyle
My Nominating Contract seems to have disappeared. How can I find out what happened?
  • PS5
  • PS4
  • Xbox Series X|S
  • Xbox One
  • Windows
  • Steam
  • iOS
  • Android
A: Nominating Contracts have a validity of 60 days, counting from the time they were directly sent to you or added to your Inbox.
You can find more information regarding your Nominating Contracts by going to:

■ PlayStation®5, PlayStation®4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, Windows, Steam®
[Extras] > [Support] > [Balance Sheet]

■ iOS, Android
[Extras] > [Support] > [Services and Info] > [Balance Sheet]
My player seems to have disappeared. How can I find out what happened?
  • PS5
  • PS4
  • Xbox Series X|S
  • Xbox One
  • Windows
  • Steam
  • iOS
  • Android
A: For a record of all player signings and releases, please go to:

■ PlayStation®5, PlayStation®4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, Windows, Steam®
[Extras] > [Support] > [Balance Sheet]

■ iOS, Android
[Extras] > [Support] > [Services and Info] > [Balance Sheet]
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How do I get eFootball™ Coins?
  • PS5
  • PS4
  • Xbox Series X|S
  • Xbox One
  • Windows
  • Steam
  • iOS
  • Android
A: You can purchase eFootball™ Coins from the [Shop].
eFootball™ Coins can also be earned through various other means, like completing objectives and participating in events.
I have purchased eFootball™ Coins but they cannot be found. What should I do?
  • iOS
  • Android
A: You can view your purchase history in [Shop] > [eFootball™ Coins] > [Details].
It may take time for your purchase to appear in your purchase history, so please wait and check back later if you do not see it. However, it may also not appear due to the coin purchase process not completing correctly.
If this is the case, confirm that your purchase completed correctly by going to [Extras] > [Support] > [Services and Info] and using the [Check completed purchases] function.
If it appears that you have a purchase that has not completed correctly, take note of the time/date, the amount paid as well as the items purchased and send this information to us in an Enquiry Form.
What are the max. amount of eFootball™ Coins/GP a user can possess?
  • PS5
  • PS4
  • Xbox Series X|S
  • Xbox One
  • Windows
  • Steam
  • iOS
  • Android
A: You can possess up to 99,999 paid eFootball™ Coins. Furthermore, the sum of paid and free eFootball™ Coins you possess cannot exceed 9,999,999.
You can possess up to 999,999,999 GP.
Note that if you receive eFootball™ Coins/GP that would take your total above the limits shown above, any surplus will be lost.
eFootball™ Coins have been increased or lost without explanation. What can I do?
  • PS5
  • PS4
  • Xbox Series X|S
  • Xbox One
  • Windows
  • Steam
  • iOS
  • Android
A: You can check your eFootball™ Coin transaction history in [Shop] > [eFootball™ Coins] > [Details].
Can I purchase GP with eFootball™ Coins?
  • PS5
  • PS4
  • Xbox Series X|S
  • Xbox One
  • Windows
  • Steam
  • iOS
  • Android
A: No, you cannot.
A message saying that I already own this item is displayed, and I cannot complete my eFootball™ Coins purchase. I am also unable to make the purchase again. What should I do?
  • Android
A: First close the application, and from your smartphone settings menu, go to [Applications] > [Google Play Store] > [Clear Cache]. When you open the application again, your transaction will have completed and your eFootball™ Coins will be available for use. You will also be able to make further purchases.
While I was in the process of purchasing eFootball™ Coins, I was disconnected from the network. Did I still receive the eFootball™ Coins even though I wasn't shown a confirmation message saying "You have bought eFootball™ Coins"?
  • iOS
  • Android
A: Depending on the timing of your disconnection, you may or may not have received a message confirming your eFootball™ Coin purchase.
See whether your purchase has been completed by checking your eFootball™ Coin wallet via:
[Shop] > [eFootball™ Coins] > [Details]
There are instances where the purchase process may not have been completed successfully. If this is the case, please confirm that your purchase was completed correctly by going to [Extras] > [Support] > [Services and Info] and using the [Check completed purchases] function.
If it appears that you have a purchase that was not completed correctly, take note of the time/date, the amount paid as well as the items purchased and send this information to us in an Enquiry Form.
Did the price of eFootball™ Coins change?
  • iOS
  • Android
A: The price of eFootball™ Coins may change due to fluctuations in exchange rates.
My payment transaction for eFootball™ Coins has been completed, but I have not received the eFootball™ Coins I purchased. What should I do?
  • iOS
A: Restarting the app, then going to [Shop] > [eFootball™ Coins] > [Details] will update your eFootball™ Coin balance.

If your purchase is still not reflected after trying the above, please go to the [Shop] and select the eFootball™ Coin item again.
*Do not proceed with the purchase. You only need to select the item.

By selecting the item, you will see the system message "This In-App purchase has already been bought. It will be restored for free." and you will receive your eFootball™ Coins.
You can then return to [Shop] > [eFootball™ Coins] > [Details] to check whether your purchase has been added to your balance.
Why can't I complete Objectives?
  • PS5
  • PS4
  • Xbox Series X|S
  • Xbox One
  • Windows
  • Steam
  • iOS
  • Android
A: Goals and assists recorded in the following types of matches will not be counted towards your Objectives completion status.
・ Void matches
・ Conceded matches
・ Losses due to disconnection
How many Level Training Programs, Skill Training Programs, Position Training Programs, Select Booster Tokens and Random Booster Tokens can I possess?
  • PS5
  • PS4
  • Xbox Series X|S
  • Xbox One
  • Windows
  • Steam
  • iOS
  • Android
A: You can possess up to 9,999 copies of each type of Level Training Programs, 9,999 Skill Training Programs and 9,999 Position Training Programs. You can also have 99,999 Select Booster Tokens and Random Booster Tokens. Note that any additional copies that would take your total above these limits will be lost.
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Lately I'm losing a lot of PvP matches due to disconnections. How can I avoid this issue?
  • iOS
  • Android
A: Refer to the following methods to improve your connection to the game to avoid disconnections or voided matches when playing against other users.
Keep in mind that frequently disconnecting from matches may result in restrictions being placed on your account.

・Restart your modem or device.
・Play closer to your Wi-Fi router.
・Avoid playing while you are in transit.
・Connect to the internet with fewer tethered router connections.
・Avoid using other apps in multitasking mode, especially ones that use a connection or update automatically.
Is it possible to play multiplayer matches using a single device?
  • PS5
  • PS4
  • Xbox Series X|S
  • Xbox One
  • Windows
  • Steam
A: Yes, multiplayer is available for certain offline modes.

■ PlayStation®5/PlayStation®4
Up to 4 users can play at the same time.

■ Xbox Series X|S/Xbox One/Windows/Steam®
Up to 8 users can play at the same time.
Can I play the game if I do not have a subscription to the "Xbox Live Gold membership"?
  • Xbox Series X|S
  • Xbox One
  • Windows
A: You can play all features of the game with or without an "Xbox Live Gold membership".
What kind of internet connections are recommended for online matches?
  • PS5
  • PS4
  • Xbox Series X|S
  • Xbox One
  • Windows
  • Steam
A: For online matches, a broadband connection that uses a fibre optic line is recommended, but please note that the connection environment and service quality may vary according to your provider, so no specific connection is guaranteed to be perfect for online matches.

We recommend that you avoid using a wireless connection over a Wi-Fi network, high-speed mobile connection or a tethered connection via a mobile device, as they are based on wireless network communications and may suffer from an unstable connection or a disconnection during a match.
Is it possible to select and install previous versions of the game?
  • PS5
  • PS4
  • Xbox Series X|S
  • Xbox One
  • Windows
  • Steam
A: No. The only version of the game available for install is the latest version. Once you have installed the latest update, you will not be able to revert your game to an older version.
Keep in mind that updates are designed to enhance the game experience, so we advise you to make sure you download the latest version of the game before playing.
Why can't I complete the Game Center (Google Play) achievements?
  • iOS
  • Android
A: Due to a change in the specifications regarding achievements, Game Center (Google Play) achievements are no longer available. As a result, those achievements will not be updated and you will not be able to achieve them.
Can I transfer my data to a different OS?
  • iOS
  • Android
A: Yes, you can transfer your save data and GP by performing a data transfer using a KONAMI ID. Please note that eFootball™ Coins (both paid and free) cannot be transferred.
*Non-transferrable eFootball™ Coins (both paid and free) will not be lost, and you can still use them if you migrate back to the OS you used previously.
I deleted the app or lost/damaged my device, but I didn't complete any Link Data setup. Can I restore my account and game data if I reinstall the app?
  • iOS
  • Android
A: Please select [General Contact] from the title menu, then select [Enquiry Form] > [I can't restore my account using a data transfer] and complete an enquiry form. Make sure to include all the required information.
How do I backup my Save Data?
  • Windows
  • Steam
A: Save data for offline modes is saved to your PC, so follow the steps below to back it up. Bear in mind that you are entirely responsible for operating your PC.

1. Confirm the location of the save folder created in the directory where "eFootball™" is installed.
The following directory address is the default location for the folder, but it may differ depending on your system setup:

■ Steam
■ Windows

*The folder [*****] is specific to your system.
*"(\OneDrive)" means that the "OneDrive" folder may be included in the path, depending on your system.

2. Make a backup copy of the data in the save folder and store it in a separate location.

3. When you load any backed up save data, make sure you overwrite the save folder with your backup copy.
If your PC is new and/or you have never launched the "eFootball™" application before, first install "eFootball™" and start the game. Next, proceed to the Top Menu (the mode selection screen) and quit "eFootball™". This will create the save folder, which you can then overwrite with your backed up data.

*After you format the game, please update "eFootball™" with the latest patch and Data Pack, otherwise you may be not able to use your save data.
*We are unable to restore data that has been lost due to accidental deletion or overwriting of the save folder.
Offline matches are slow/The game will not boot. Why is this happening?
  • Windows
  • Steam
A: It may be that your PC does not meet the specification requirements to run the game.
Check the websites below for the system requirements:

The game will not boot even though my PC meets the specification requirements. What can I do?
  • Windows
  • Steam
A: The runtime library needed to run "eFootball™" may not have been installed.

If the game does not launch even though your PC meets the specification requirements, please install the runtime libraries below.

▼Required Runtime Libraries
DirectX End-User Runtimes (June 2010) [directx_Jun2010_redist.exe]

Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable Update 3 (x64) [vcredist_x64.exe]

Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6 (Offline Installer) [NDP46-KB3045557-x86-x64-AllOS-ENU.exe]
How can I switch to another language?
  • Steam
A: In the Steam version, you need to install your preferred language before starting "eFootball™".
*Do not change language settings while "eFootball™" is running.

■How to Change Languages
Launch Steam, then go to [Library] > [eFootball™] > [Properties] > [Language], and change to your desired language.
What can I do if I forgot/lost the KONAMI ID and password that I received when I registered to My KONAMI?
  • PS5
  • PS4
  • Xbox Series X|S
  • Xbox One
  • Windows
  • Steam
  • iOS
  • Android
A: Please go to https://my.konami.net/ and use the reminder function to obtain your KONAMI ID and password.
Can I change the KONAMI ID that I used to link my data?
  • iOS
  • Android
A: No, you cannot.
What can I do if I forgot/lost the information for the Google Play account that I used for the Link Data setup?
  • Android
A: For inquiries about Google Play accounts, please contact Google for support.
What can I do if I forgot/lost the information for the Game Center account that I used for the Link Data setup?
  • iOS
A: For inquiries about Game Center accounts, please contact Apple for support.
What can I do if my game crashes?
  • iOS
  • Android
A: If the game crashes while you are playing, please try the steps below:
・Close any other applications.
・Reboot the device.
・Check the OS version and update it to the latest version.
・Use the Clear Cache function in the title menu.
・Use the "Delete Live Update" function in the title menu.
If the steps above do not resolve your problem, please send your enquiry through the Enquiry Form.
Can I save the data externally, such as an SD card?
  • Android
A: No, you cannot save the data outside of the device.
What languages are supported?
  • iOS
  • Android
A: The game can be played using the following 17 languages:

English US
Español Latinoamericano
Português do Brasil
Bahasa Indonesia

Commentary is available in the following 16 languages:
Español (México)
Português do Brasil
Español (Argentina)
Español (Chile)
How do I download the commentary data?
  • iOS
  • Android
A: Go to [Extras] > [Game Settings] > [DL Commentary Data] to select a language to download.
How do I check my User ID?
  • PS5
  • PS4
  • Xbox Series X|S
  • Xbox One
  • Windows
  • Steam
  • iOS
  • Android
A: Your User ID is the 13-digit alphanumeric displayed on the bottom left of the title screen.
It can also be found by going to [Extras] > [User Information] > [User Personal Information] > [User ID].
If you open the Inquiry Form from an iOS/Android device, your User ID will automatically be entered into the Form.
Is it possible to restart My League from the beginning?
  • PS5
  • PS4
  • Xbox Series X|S
  • Xbox One
  • Windows
  • Steam
  • iOS
  • Android
A: Yes. Follow the steps shown below to reset your progress in My League.
[Home] > [Match] > [My League] > [Settings] > [Change Team]

Note that doing so will reset all data, including your progress in the current season and any promotions/relegations that have occurred until now.
You will still be able to keep any non-Standard Loan Players, along with items and My League Points that you earned until now.
I want to change the age registration as I registered incorrectly.
  • iOS
  • Android
A: Once you register your age, you cannot change it again until the start of the next month.
What are eFootball™ Points?
  • PS5
  • PS4
  • Xbox Series X|S
  • Xbox One
  • Windows
  • Steam
  • iOS
  • Android
A: Please check the eFootball™ Points official website below for details.
How can I report malicious activities?
  • PS5
  • PS4
  • Xbox Series X|S
  • Xbox One
  • Windows
  • Steam
  • iOS
  • Android
A: If you notice someone violating the Terms of Use or being disrespectful to others, you can contact us through the "Report" function.
Find the person you wish to report by going to [Extras] > [User Information] > [Match History], then you can send a report by going to that person's [User Details].
How do I transfer my data to a new device?
  • iOS
  • Android
A: ■ iOS
There are 2 options available, but if you want to transfer data to a different OS, you must use a KONAMI ID.

1) Using Game Center
On your old device, go to [Extras] > [Support] > [Link Data] > [Link data using Game Center].
On your new device, go to [Title Screen] > [Data Transfer] > [Transfer from a Game Center-linked account].
The data transfer will be complete when you log in to Game Center.
2) Using a KONAMI ID
On your old device, go to [Extras] > [Support] > [Link Data] > [Link data using a KONAMI ID].
On your new device, go to [Title Screen] > [Data Transfer] > [Transfer from a KONAMI ID-linked account].
The data transfer will be complete when you log in to My KONAMI.
*Please make sure you keep the confirmation email you received when you registered your KONAMI ID.

■ Android
There are 2 options available, but if you want to transfer data to a different OS, you must use a KONAMI ID.

1) Using Google Play
On your old device, go to [Extras] > [Support] > [Link Data] > [Link data using Google Play].
On your new device, go to [Title Screen] > [Data Transfer] > [Transfer from a Google Play-linked account].
The data transfer will be complete when you log in to Google Play.
2) Using a KONAMI ID
On your old device, go to [Extras] > [Support] > [Link Data] > [Link data using KONAMI ID].
On your new device, go to [Title Screen] > [Data Transfer] > [Transfer from a KONAMI ID-linked account].
The data transfer will be complete when you log in to My KONAMI.
*Please make sure you keep the confirmation email you received when you registered your KONAMI ID.
If I deleted the app by mistake, can I still play with my game data if I reinstall it?
  • iOS
  • Android
A: ■ iOS
Yes, but only if you linked your data to a Game Center account or KONAMI ID. Please choose the Link Data option from Data Transfer on the Title Screen.

■ Android
Yes, but only if you linked your data to a Google Play account or KONAMI ID. Please choose the Link Data option from Data Transfer on the Title Screen.
How do I turn ON/OFF Push Notifications?
  • iOS
  • Android
A: ■ iOS
On your device, go to [Settings] > [Notifications] and select the app, then select [Allow Notifications].
For more detailed notification settings in the app, go to [Extras] > [Game Settings] > [Notifications].

■ Android
On your device, select the app by going to [Settings] > [Sound and notifications] > [App notifications] then choose your setting.
For more detailed notification settings in the app, go to [Extras] > [Game Settings] > [Notifications].
Is the "Ranked Match (Sim)" mode in eFootball PES 2021 available in eFootball™ 2024?
  • PS5
  • PS4
  • Xbox Series X|S
  • Xbox One
  • Windows
  • Steam
  • iOS
  • Android
A: No, it is not available.
Is the "myClub Friendly Match" mode in eFootball PES 2021 available in eFootball™ 2024?
  • PS5
  • PS4
  • Xbox Series X|S
  • Xbox One
  • Windows
  • Steam
  • iOS
  • Android
A: It is available as "Friend Match".
Why isn't commentary available during matches?
  • iOS
  • Android
A: Please check your [Graphics] setting by accessing the menu icon from the Title Screen.
Commentary will not be available in-match if "Lowest (Prioritise Playability)" is selected.
Please check your settings by selecting the following options in-game:

・ [Title Screen] > [Menu Icon] > [Graphics]
・ [Extras] > [Game Settings] > [Graphics]
Does the game support mobile gaming controllers?
  • iOS
  • Android
A: Currently the game does not support mobile gaming controllers. The implementation schedule of mobile gaming controller-compatibility is yet to be finalised.
Is the game IPv6 compatible?
  • PS5
  • PS4
  • Xbox Series X|S
  • Xbox One
  • Windows
  • Steam
  • iOS
  • Android
A: Operability in IPv6 environments is not guaranteed.
We recommend accessing the game in IPv4 environments.
"CODE:C_NAJM_0027" is displayed and I cannot log in. Why is this happening?
  • iOS
  • Android
A: This code is displayed when attempting to log in using the same User ID on different devices at the same time.
Your game data may have been transferred to another device via your KONAMI ID or Game Center/Google Play. You will need to transfer your game data again to the device you wish to use.
Please try one of the following methods, as the necessary steps may differ depending on your KONAMI ID linkage status.

[If you have already linked your game data with your KONAMI ID]
Try resetting your password by going to My KONAMI (https://my.konami.net/) and select [Log In] > [Forgot Your Password?]. After the reset, try transferring your game data using your KONAMI ID.
After your password reset, we recommend that you set up a two-stage authentication for your KONAMI ID.

[If you have not linked your game data with your KONAMI ID (If you have only linked your game data with Game Center/Google Play)]
Launch the application on the device you wish to log in with, then click the icon in the bottom right corner of the Title Screen and select "Data Transfer" to commence the data transfer process.
Please note that there is a monthly limit on data transfer attempts.
GP have been increased or lost without explanation. What can I do?
  • PS5
  • PS4
  • Xbox Series X|S
  • Xbox One
  • Windows
  • Steam
  • iOS
  • Android
A: For more information, please go to:

■ PlayStation®5, PlayStation®4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, Windows, Steam®
[Extras] > [Support] > [Balance Sheet]

■ iOS, Android
[Extras] > [Support] > [Services and Info] > [Balance Sheet]
Why won't the update finish, even though it shows on the Google Play Store that the download is 100% completed?
  • Android
A: There is a known issue where some users are shown the wrong download size on the Google Play Store when updating the app.
This results in the download percentage being shown as 100%, even though the download is still in progress. In turn, this also means you are unable to boot the app until the update is actually completed.
If you are not able to boot the app even though the download seems to be 100% done, please wait until the update is actually completed.
Lastly, keep in mind that the update will not conclude properly if you lack enough storage space on your device.
Can I transfer my game data to a different platform?
  • PS5
  • PS4
  • Xbox Series X|S
  • Xbox One
  • Windows
  • Steam
A: In general, you cannot transfer your game data to a different platform.
However, regarding the platform pairs shown below, you can play using the same game data by signing in to the same account.
 ・ PlayStation®5, PlayStation®4
 ・ Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, Windows