Known Issues
Steam Windows10

See below for a list of issues recently confirmed by the dev team.

・ The goalkeeper in Daily Game can be changed by performing certain controls.

・ When reaching the final space of Daily Game, the animation of the ball icon entering the goal may not be displayed correctly.
*This is a display-only issue, and users are able to receive the reward as intended.

・ The Player Cards included in Daily Game Lap Rewards may not be displayed correctly.
*This issue can be resolved by returning to the Top Menu and re-entering Daily Game again.

・ Going to [Home] > [Daily Game] > [Lap Reward Overview] from the Top Menu and checking the details of the player shown in the list will display an erroneous Player Stats. This issue may be triggered if you sign a single player via [Shop] > [Packs] or if you claim a player from your Inbox before performing the above steps.
*In case you encounter this issue, follow the steps described above once again to display the correct player details.
*To avoid this issue, return to the Top Menu once after entering the Daily Game.

・ When playing Daily Game after playing Training with an Authentic Team, the penalty taker may not be displayed correctly.
*This is a display-only issue and has no effect on the penalty kick itself.

We are currently hard at work on fixes for all known issues.
See the notice released along with each update to check which issues have been fixed.
We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.