Basic Information about KONAMI

Updated date November 21, 2024

History of KONAMI

Q. When was KONAMI founded?

A. KONAMI was founded in March 1969 as a jukebox retail and repair business in Toyonaka City, Osaka, Japan by Kagemasa Kozuki, the still-current Representative Director.

Q. When was KONAMI established?

A. KONAMI was established as Konami Industries Co., Ltd. (currently KONAMI GROUP CORPORATION) in March 1973.

Q. When was the initial listing of KONAMI shares on the stock exchange?

A. It was first listed on the second section of the Osaka Securities Exchange in October 1984.

Q. On what stock exchanges is KONAMI currently listed?

A. KONAMI is listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange and the London Stock Exchange.

Q. When was KONAMI shares listed on the first section (current "Prime Market") of the Tokyo Stock Exchange?

A. It was listed in August 1988. In April 2022, KONAMI transitioned its listing to the "Prime Market" of the Tokyo Stock Exchange upon its market segment restructure.

Q. When was KONAMI listed on the London Stock Exchange?

A. It was listed in September 1999.

Stock, Dividend and Returns

Q. What is the security code of KONAMI?

A. The security code is 9766 (Tokyo Stock Exchange).

Q. What is the ticker symbol used on the London Stock Exchange?

A. The ticker symbol is KNM.

Q. What is the number of issued shares?

A. As of September 30, 2024, the number of issued shares is 143,500,000 (including 7,942,662 shares of treasury stock).

Q. How do I contact KONAMI's transfer agent?

A. Our transfer agent is Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank, Limited. They can help with a variety of shareholder-related services. The contact details are as follows:

Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank, Limited
Stock Transfer Agency Department
2-8-4 Izumi, Suginami-ku, Tokyo 168-0063, Japan
Toll Free: 0120-782-031(available within Japan)
Web site: (in Japanese)

Q.When is the dividend record date?

A. Year-end cash dividends are at the end of March and interim dividends are at the end of September each year.

Q.How much was KONAMI's most recent annual dividend?

A.Our annual dividend for FY2024 was 131.00yen per share.

Dividend per share
Record date Second quarter end Year-end Annual total
FY2024 62.00yen 69.00yen 131.00yen

Q.How much is KONAMI's annual dividend expected to be?

A.Our annual dividend for FY2025 is expected to be 132.00yen per share(Please refer below for details).

Dividend per share
Record date Second quarter end Year-end Annual total
66.00yen 66.00yen 132.00yen


Q. When is KONAMI's fiscal year end?

A. It is on March 31.

Q. Where can I find the latest financial information?

A. Please visit our website for Presentation Materials.

Q. When is the next earnings release?

A. Please refer to the Investor Relations Calendar for upcoming earnings announcements and schedules.