The second installment of the hit series "BONK" where the protagonist uses his head as hard as iron to attack enemies. The story takes place in the burgeoning "Dinosaur Kingdom" where you play as the famous "BONK" to fight King Drool III, the head of the enemy camp.
This is a humorous side scrolling action game where you must eliminate enemies using the "jump" and "bonk" in order to reach the end of the levels. A total of 7 levels of a wide variety and 8 kinds of bonus levels await you in this adventure. The level of the "Monster Train" you get when you beat a boss will change according to the number of "Smileys" you acquire during the stage so the key to getting the high score getting all of the "Smileys." When Bonk eats prehistoric meat, his strength will power up to Level 2 and Level 3. New features include the "Triangle jump" and the "Bonk spin".
Platform |
Wii U™, Virtual Console™ |
Release Date |
Price |
Players |
1 player |
Comic Mischief
Tobacco Reference
©Konami Digital Entertainment ©RED