Z.O.E staff interview: Part 1 - Noriaki Okamura screenplay / director
Comments of the Z.O.E development team members will be shown here in a 4-time series.
Part 1 will be Mr. Noriaki Okamura - director and script writer of Z.O.E.

: Could you please explain what kind of a game Z.O.E is?

Z.O.E is a "robot animation simulator." It is not a "robot simulator." It is a game in which you can control "a robot in a robot animation" just like the main character in a robot animation who can control the robot freely with only one stick. I believe Z.O.E turned out as a game in which anyone can control the robot freely - very easily and enjoyably.

A robot animation always comes with a story. The same is true with Z.O.E. While making progress in the game with a feel of exhilaration, the story progresses as well. A game in which you can become the main character of a robot animation - this is Z.O.E!

: As the person who worked on the script, could you talk about the highlights of the story?

I don't know if you can get this - I tried to place emphasis on how to tell the story using the non-story portions of the game.
In other words, "Just let the demo movie sequence tell the story and set that aside from the game portion" was what I DID NOT want to do. What the entire game as a whole could communicate - the destruction of buildings, the detailed rules for the survivor rescue events, the raison d'etre of the various characters, the story development - all came to existence under one common theme within Z.O.E.

What I aimed for regarding the story of Z.O.E was to "create a story that could be told only with the use of the game medium."
Yes, there are many things I could not include in this game. But I hope players could catch these most subtle points when playing Z.O.E.

: The Premium Package (for Japan only) includes an animation DVD. What is it about?

The time setting of this DVD animation is 5 years earlier than that of the game. It touches on the past of Viola and how the humanoid weapon "orbital frame" was created.

The DVD animation of Z.O.E was created by "SUNRISE" - the company known for their robot animations. They have done a great job putting together this animation. In addition to the awesome robot action scenes is the deep human drama for the viewer to enjoy.

The game and animation have different main characters and themes. Both versions take advantage of their media and maintain an interesting relationship. I hope you have a chance to enjoy both the game and the animation -whichever comes first.

: Finally, could you give us your message for those gamers out there longing for the release of the game?

The time setting of this DVD animation is 5 years earlier than that of the game. It touches on the past of Viola and how the humanoid weapon "orbital frame" was created.

Let me put it simple - Z.O.E turned out to be a very fun piece of work.
Those who like robot animations, those who like action games, those who enjoy RPGs and adventure games - all of you will enjoy Z.O.E.

Those who have not had the chance to play Z.O.E yet, please feel it for yourself at stores, with magazine demos, or at your friend's. Just feel it for once!

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