In a world finally at peace, a looming threat falls once again…
And a new chapter in the saga begins!
Rise again!
The 8 Bomberman Brothers!
WhiteThe eldest of the Bomberman Brothers. Hard-working and wise, justice is his passion...but his younger siblings fail to keep up with him. Nevertheless, his commitment to fighting evil is steadfast.
BlackThe second-eldest of the Bomberman Brothers. He's a bit of a cringey narcissist. Beneath his cool, rational facade is a guy whose true skill is making excuses.
PinkThe eldest sister of the Bomberman Brothers. The epitome of happy go-lucky do-gooders, she can never say no to a person in need...or a person not in need, for that matter.
BlueThe third-eldest brother of the Bomberman Brothers. He's a relaxed guy who enjoys spending most of the day in bed. Sleeping anytime, anywhere, and any length is his forte.
RedThe fourth-eldest brother of the Bomberman Brothers. He's a hothead, to put it bluntly. His impulse to solve every problem with explosions is a major flaw in his thinking.
YellowThe fifth-eldest brother of the Bomberman Brothers. The chief morale officer, he's always cheerful, naive, pure, odd, and enigmatic. His brain is an endless field of flowers.
AquaThe second eldest sister in the Bomberman Brothers. She's a frail little lady, meek and kind...but only when she's not angry. When she snaps, she transforms into a full-on berserker.
GreenThe youngest of the Bomberman Brothers. He's everyone's cute little mascot and the most beloved of all the siblings. But it seems his innocent smile is a meticulously devious facade.
EllonMysterious life forms the Bomberman Brothers encounter in this story. With devices resembling aprons and pacifiers, they resemble babies. They love helping people, and as such, they selflessly aid the Bomberman Brothers.
LugionMysterious life forms who hinder the Bomberman Brothers' explorations. They destroy planets while secretly collecting some sort of ore. Are they at all connected with the Black Moon...?
LugibonAnnoying little buggers who attack the Bombermen's camp. The unarmed and weak Lugion become stronger by riding them. There are apparently two types; one for speed, and one for power.
What fate will befall the universe...?!
Godspeed, 8 Bomberman Brothers!
What fate will befall the universe...?!
Godspeed, 8 Bomberman Brothers!