    麻雀格闘倶楽部 Extreme
    麻雀格闘倶楽部 覚醒

    スマスロ 麻雀格闘倶楽部 覚醒
    Music Selection
    Keep the Faith

    Everybody wants to be the oneness
    Just going ahead
    (Always be)
    Everybody wants to be at the top
    Wouldn't you have feel the same?
    (I know that)

    Take the first step of toward growth
    Keeping your's feet flat on the floor
    (You'll make sure)
    遮二無二 Bluff張る like a blast talk
    I should be the one who is taking your back around
    (Take my hand)

    We're standing here, we have to do it
    Just Find it out what's going on
    All the chances are in my hands

    Don't be afraid!
    Let's play the odds when harder time
    (Don't give up yet)
    Believe in yourself!
    Will do our best until the end
    (I always mean it)
    So take my hand and make that change
    Where there's a will, there's a way
    Just keep the faith!

    Can you hear my heartbeat,
    leading you to a place of the glory?
    (You heard me)
    I'm not going to let anyone stop this feeling my head
    (How about you?)

    Check it out, waking up, keep it trying now
    Shake it down フラグ立つ Makes stride on
    (Stay alert, guys)
    冷静 Little face チャンスを Wait for
    到来 In no time 満を持して Go
    (Start to shine)

    You know there is no use in regrets
    Never look back, keep going on
    What you want is always there

    Don't be afraid!
    Let's play the odds when harder time
    (Don't give up yet)
    Believe in yourself!
    Will do our best until the end
    (I always mean it)
    So take my hand and make that change
    Where there's a will, there's a way
    Just keep the faith!

    Oh, Can't get enough to this time
    Tell me what you wanna do?
    The game is already on.
    Come on baby, Let's get sparking all night long
    Now's the time to set my fire

    Open your eyes, don't miss the chance
    (I'll take that chance)
    Don't be afraid!
    Let's play the odds when harder time
    (Don't give up yet)
    So take my hand and make that change
    Where there's a will, there's a way
    Just keep the faith!

    Lovin' You

    ちゅっちゅき ちゅきっちゅ
    ちゅっちゅき ちゅきっちゅ
    キラキラはじまる ストーリー

    ちゅっちゅき ちゅきっちゅ
    ちゅっちゅき ちゅきっちゅ
    be with you

    気づいてほしい おねがい ドキドキ
    ねーえー こっち向いてー
    どうしても みてほしくて そわそわ
    だってー 今日はぜーったい

    マージャンマージャン Good Game !!
    マージャンマージャン Let's Start !!

    キミのココロに あと数センチかな?
    好きのメッセージ まっすぐ届け!

    (Lovin' You)

    ちゅっちゅき ちゅきっちゅ
    ちゅっちゅき ちゅきっちゅ
    恋は盲目直進!(Lovin' You)

    ちゅっちゅき ちゅきっちゅ
    ちゅっちゅき ちゅきっちゅ
    キミだけのアプデ完了!(Lovin' You)

    ちゅっちゅき ちゅきっちゅ
    ちゅっちゅき ちゅきっちゅ
    今のワタシは最強!(Lovin' You)

    ちゅっちゅき ちゅきっちゅ
    ちゅっちゅき ちゅきっちゅ
    be with you

    恋をかなえるため(so much Lovin' You)
    キモチ伝えて Lovin' You

    やーばー 焦らされーたー
    顔面へんてこなの あせあせ
    むーりー つらみーすーぎー

    マージャンマージャン Nice Game !!
    マージャンマージャン Fighting !!

    振り向いてほしい 想い届け!

    (with you)

    ちゅっちゅき ちゅきっちゅ
    ちゅっちゅき ちゅきっちゅ
    キミだけ見てるのに(with you)

    ちゅっちゅき ちゅきっちゅ
    ちゅっちゅき ちゅきっちゅ
    もう!なんで気付かないの(with you)

    ちゅっちゅき ちゅきっちゅ
    ちゅっちゅき ちゅきっちゅ
    鈍感なとこも好きよ(with you)

    ちゅっちゅき ちゅきっちゅ
    ちゅっちゅき ちゅきっちゅ
    be with you

    恋をかなえるため(so much Lovin' You)
    せいいっぱい ステキに Lovin' You

    この恋が尽きても (Lovin' You)
    きっと運命だから(with you)
    確かめたい 同じキモチで

    (only you so much special)

    ちゅっちゅき ちゅきっちゅ
    ちゅっちゅき ちゅきっちゅ
    一途に全力前進!(Lovin' You)

    ちゅっちゅき ちゅきっちゅ
    ちゅっちゅき ちゅきっちゅ
    ワタシを変えてく勇気!(Lovin' You)

    ちゅっちゅき ちゅきっちゅ
    ちゅっちゅき ちゅきっちゅ
    トキメキ続く毎日!(Lovin' You)

    ちゅっちゅき ちゅきっちゅ
    ちゅっちゅき ちゅきっちゅ
    be with you

    恋がかなうなら(so much Lovin' You)
    ずっといつでも Lovin' You

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