- Does this game have microtransactions?
- It does not.
[Nintendo Switch™ / PlayStation®4]
- Can I play without an internet connection?
- Yes, you can play without an internet connection.
However, without a connection you cannot receive online updates or participate in online modes.
[Nintendo Switch™ / PlayStation®4]
- Are there guidelines for posting videos and screenshots?
- Yes, there are.Video and Screenshot Posting Guidelines
[Nintendo Switch™ / PlayStation®4]
- Can I use the same account on both Nintendo Switch™ and PlayStation®4?
- No, you cannot use the same account across platforms.
[Nintendo Switch™ / PlayStation®4]
- Can I play the Nintendo Switch™ version on Nintendo Switch Lite?
- Yes, you can.
[Nintendo Switch™]
- On the Nintendo Switch™ version can I swing the controller to hit the ball?
- No, you can not.
[Nintendo Switch™]
- Is there cross-play (PS4® & Switch version online games or tournaments etc.) between platforms?
- No, there is not.
[Nintendo Switch™ / PlayStation®4]
- Do you plan to introduce new players in the future?
- We plan to continually update the roster with new players after launch.
[Nintendo Switch™ / PlayStation®4]
- Can I share my save between the Nintendo Switch™ version and the PlayStation®4 version?
- No, there is no cross-save function between consoles.
[Nintendo Switch™ / PlayStation®4]
- Can I play games over a local connection on Nintendo Switch™?
- Yes, you can. *Requires 2 Nintendo Switch™ consoles and 2 copies of the game. *Only for 1 vs 1 games.
[Nintendo Switch™]
- Do I need to have Nintendo Switch Online or PS Plus?
- These subscriptions are required for playing Championship Mode.
[Nintendo Switch™ / PlayStation®4]
- Can I play against people living in other countries?
- Yes, you can.
[Nintendo Switch™ / PlayStation®4]