02/07/2008 :CAMOUFLAGE DOWNLOAD - updated
"Camouflage Downloads" ending soon.
04/08/2005 :TOPICS - updated
The theme song for "MGS3" is awarded "BEST ORIGINAL VOCAL SONG - POP" at the "3rd Annual G.A.N.G.Award".
04/08/2005 :Added "SECRET THEATER".
04/01/2005 :Added "SECRET THEATER".
03/25/2005 :Added "SECRET THEATER".
03/18/2005 :Added "SECRET THEATER".
03/11/2005 :Added "SECRET THEATER".
03/04/2005 :For those who have completed the game -- uploaded "SECRET THEATER".
12/16/2004 :CAMOUFLAGE DOWNLOAD - updated.
12/13/2004 :TOPICS - updated
MGS Fans Flock to LA!! Hideo Kojima & Yoji Shinkawa Signing Events to Commemorate the North American Release of MGS3.
12/09/2004 :TOPICS - updated
Full Review Articles of MGS3 on US Online Video Game Websites.
11/25/2004 :TOPICS - updated
Hideo Kojima & Yoji Shinkawa Signing Events in LA.
11/17/2004 :TOPICS - updated
METAL GEAR SOLID3: SNAKE EATER is released in North America.
11/10/2004 :TOPICS - updated
09/24/2004 :Renewed MGS3 Official Site.
09/26/2004 :TRAILERS - updated
Now Showing the MGS3 TGS 2004 Trailer.
09/24/2004 :Renewed MGS3 Official Site.
09/24/2004 :CHARACTERS - updated
Added new characters.
09/24/2004 :CAMOUFLAGE CAMPAIGN - updated
Announcement of the 4 designs selected from the 5,482 applications
09/10/2004 :TRAILERS - updated
08/27/2004 :Top Page Renewed.
08/20/2004 :TRAILERS - updated
Now Showing the MGS3 GC 2004 Trailer
08/20/2004 :CHARACTER - updated
07/09/2004 :CAMOUFLAGE CAMPAIGN - updated
07/01/2004 :CAMOUFLAGE CAMPAIGN - Applications will no longer be accepted.
06/23/2004 :CAMOUFLAGE CAMPAIGN - There still is some more time! Read the rules and apply!!
06/14/2004 :TRAILERS - updated
06/01/2004 :CAMOUFLAGE CAMPAIGN - updated
05/27/2004 :CAMOUFLAGE CAMPAIGN - updated
Added camouflage pattern sample.
05/25/2004 :CAMOUFLAGE CAMPAIGN - updated
05/24/2004 :CAMOUFLAGE CAMPAIGN - updated
05/15/2004 :TRAILERS - updated
Now Showing the MGS3 E3 2004 Trailer
05/12/2004 :Renewed MGS3 Official Site.