Horror action in the Demon Castle. The epic battle between Simon and Dracula begins!

  • Release date:1986
  • Platform:MSX2


The Devil lives again - reborn as Dracula! Thrills and suspense in a great adventure. You'll never get to sleep tonight!

Dracula is back again. The setting is an ancient castle in the tiny European kingdom of Dransylvania. Devils and demons are on the rampage. Young Simon Belmont stands alone against the forces of darkness threatening the once peaceful kingdom of Dransylvania. Armed with only the mysterious whip bequeathed to him by his father, he heads for the Satanic Castle!


Vampire Killer is one of the many versions of the original Castlevania that was released on the MSX2.

The idea is to fight through the many levels of Dracula's castle on a two dimensional screen and rescue your girlfriend who has been imprisoned by the evil vampire. He has made your task nearly impossible by positioning his minions around his castle with the orders to kill you! Life's tough sometimes, but staying alive can be even tougher!

For Si's protection, he has a whip. But this is no ordinary whip, oh no, for this whip will disintegrate some creatures at the slightest crack. Killing some creatures and hitting various walls will bring rewards in the form of weapons and items. These allow for more powerful attacks as well as some special effects, such as halting time.

The creatures that have been sent out to attack you such as skeletons, mad dogs, and bats, all take various amounts of hits to kill. Powerful guardians, which may linger at the end of certain levels, takes many more hits than normal and can cause a lot more damage to the hero too!

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