
Please detail your inquiry to us.

Please note that this inquiry form is only applicable for the console version (PlayStation® 4, PlayStation® 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Steam®, and Windows).
Enquiries received regarding the mobile version of the game (iOS and Android) will not receive a response. Please direct all enquiries for the mobile version from the game app.

Also, note that this form should not be used to report malicious behavior. To report a specific user, you must go to that user's "User Details" menu and press the "Report" button.

We handle sanctions on your account in accordance to the Terms of Use of eFootball™.
Please note that we do not send individual responses to reports of malicious behavior. We also do not respond to inquiries related to account sanctions.

Fields with * are required items. Please fill them out appropriately.

*Please ensure that your user ID and username are entered correctly, as they may be required to perform a thorough investigation.
*We will not respond to individual comments or requests.
*We may respond to reported problems and issues via in-game notices or the eFootball™ official website. In those instances, we will not be making any further personal responses.
*Any email sent by KONAMI in response to an inquiry is intended solely for the use of the recipient to whom it is addressed. As such, we kindly ask that you refrain from sharing, forwarding, or otherwise disseminating any part of the response you receive to any other party.

In-Game User ID*

*Your User ID consists of 13 alphanumeric characters. Please exclude the hyphens (-) when entering.

*Only uppercase letters can be entered.

*Example: ABCD123456789

Username that you use in the game*

Email address*

Confirm email address*

*Please double-check that your email address is correct.

Date and time of incident (UTC)*

- - :




Type of the network*


Modem Manufacturer/Model Number

Router Manufacturer/Model Number


Please provide a detailed description

Region of Residence*

Region/State of Residence*

Privacy Policy Privacy Policy CA Addendum

*If your domain setting has a restriction with receiving emails into your account, please change the setting in order for you to be able to receive emails from the following domain: []